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Of coarse not.

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Q: Can a Wiccan die if they don't use magick?
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Do you have to cast spells in Wicca?

Spells and incantations are the Wiccan form of prayer.AnswerWiccans may use spells as a form of prayer, but not all Pagans use magick. You can be a pagan and not a wiccan.

How could you get magic?

You don't 'get' magick; everyone has the ability to wield some form of magick or another be it in the form of spells or anything else that you dop to effect change. Magick, in a nutshell, is change; that's the only constant in life and magick is just manipulating energies to get it. No matter who you are or where you're at in life, what religion or culture, everyone is born with magick. Aren't we all born of the same matter that appeared, or was created, by magick/magickal beings? I am using a Wiccan understanding of the word magick and use the 'k' to differentiate between that discussed above and a magician's trick like those performed at a child's birthday party. You should read up on this and search lots of sources and et cetera. The only person who can awake your magickal gifts is you; whether you use candles in spellcraft or athame's in rituals, if you're into ritual magick if any at all, the instrument that is never changed is the user, YOU. We all have the power to be magickal, we just need to find it!

What is white wiccanism?

it is where a wiccan does only good green is only nature grey is nuetrul and black is ba dA pagan perspective: Followers of Wicca only use magick in a way that would be considered "white" in that it does not harm anything or anyone.

Can you use magic?

It is possible for any person to use Magick.

Did witches use black magic?

Firstly, there is no such thing as black magick. Magick is a tool, much like a hammer. With a hammer, you can build a house or tear one down. Same concept applies with magick. Magick is colorless, but the people who weld it give it its' intention. Second, The term "witch" means one who practices witchcraft or magick. So, if you take out the "black" in your question, then I can safely say, yes, witches use magick since the meaning of witch defines it as such.

What is semen divination?

The use of semen to foretell the future or do magick. Like semenancy or "spurt scrying". Chaos magick tradition among others.

Are you a wiccan?

Technically, yes. Anyone can be a Wiccan if that is the path you desire. (Although I prefer Wiccan to witch, but that's just me). We are not the type of witches you see in fairy tales or harry potter. Wicca is a nature-based religion that honors a God and Goddess, animals, harvest, and respects everyone and everything. We don't believe in the devil or anything you see on the movies. We don't fly around on a broomstick or turn people into toads. That's fake. The type of spells and rituals we do involve getting in touch with the energy (aka magick or magic) we all have inside ourselves. We use the energy of the earth to bring wealth, love, friendship, courage, spirituality and any other wish to come reality. (Three things when doing spells, though: #1 Magick rewards effort #2 Always be unselfish when doing magick #3 forget about the spell afterwards) There is really no difference between a Wiccan and witch, only some may say that a Wiccan is good and a witch is bad, but I think witches are good as well. Wicca and Paganism is the modern day witchcraft. LOL, I said a lot. Hopefully you found what you were looking for! :)

How does a wiccan get their power?

"power" is just energy and is found in everyone Wiccan or not as well as everything. Many Witches and Wiccan's harness energy from items from nature and use them in conjunction with their own energy to create a desired outcome.

Why can not we have magic?

We can, and do. Many worldwide practice magick; the use/manipulation of energies to change something. Everyone has magick inside them; the key is knowing how to use it. And I don't mean throwing fire balls or freezing time, I mean using energy to affect change. Change is the only constant in life; magick is knowing how to move it how you want it to.

What is water magic?

Any form of magick that involves the use of the element Water.

What are the types of spells?

There are many types of spells depending on what you wish to use them for. Some are for healing, abundance, insight and understanding, clarification, new opportunities, relationships and friendship, and many more besides. Some witches choose to incorporate the elements into their workings (water magick, fire magick, earth magick, air magick), work with the moon (moon magick), or perform rituals at each of the festivals in the wheel of the year to honour the Gods, and the season.

Can a christian do psi or is it unholy?

Christians are definitively allowed to practice the manipulation of psi and energy.Another answerChristians are against the use of magick as they believe it is assisted by the devil. However, in theory Christians are not against the use of psi, this is because psi is an mechanism and do not appear to require the assistance from the devil. However, due to similarities between magick and psionics, a common misconception is that they are the same thing, so some Christians will be against the use of psi due to this misconception.Note: The relation between magick and the devil also a misconception. Magick does not actually require the presence of a 'devil'.