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Neither parent in this situation carries the B gene. The only possible blood types for offspring would be either A or O.

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Laurence Aufderhar

Lvl 13
1y ago
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Q: Can a ab and o positive have a baby o positive?
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Can a O negative father and A positive mother produce a AB positive baby?

the baby may be A or O.

Can a father with o positive blood have a ab- baby?

yes. mother can be ab negative.

Can an AB positive blood type and a o positive blood type a produce an o positive child?

No, because the domonite blood type would be AB positive. So you would most likely get a baby that is AB positive.

Can o positive and a postivie make ab positive baby?

yes, if you both are ab pos you can have a o neg baby. it depends on what the grandparents on both sides have as well as the parents and which is "dominate"

Can a baby have blood type AB positive if mother is type B positive and father is type O positive?

Sure. I'm not really sure about the AB and O thing, but it will be positive.

Can two parent with A and a parent with AB positive and have O negative baby?


Can AB positive and O positive create O negative?

A person who is blood type AB has to be genotype AB. A person who is blood type O has to be genotype OO. So if a person who is AB mates with a person who is O, they cannot have a baby with type O. They could have an A or a B, but not O or AB.

If the mother has type O positive blood and father has type AB positive blood what type blood will the baby have?

A, b, ab

Can an ab positive mother and an A positive father make an o positive baby?

yes it will come A positive or B positive

Can the mother have ab negative and the father be o positive have a a positive baby?

No, i don't think so.

Can an o positive mother and an o negative father have an a positive baby?

can an o positive and an o negative make an a positive baby

Can a baby with ab positive blood group come from parents with o positive blood group?

Yes! Yes indeed. Does the baby look like the mailman? No. O parents can't make AB babies.