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Yes - but only if both parents are heterozygous. This means they must have the genotype AO and BO. If either parent is homozygous, AA or BB - then they cannot produce a child with blood type O.

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That is not how it works... Its A+B = AB or A or B, A+A=A and O+(A or B doesn't matter) always = O

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Q: Can a and b blood produce o?
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Can parents with o blood group and b blood group produce a child with A blood group?

No, the o parent has to Have O,O alliesand the B parent would only have B,B or B,O allies. The only are B,O and O,O.

Can A and B blood types produce an O?


Can B genotype marry a A and produce O Negative?

Yes if the A and B spouses were heterogenous, they could produce a child with type O blood.

What blood types can produce a type O blood?

Anti-body antigen A & B

What kind of blood will you have if you have B and O in your blood?

If you have the genotype BO, you will have blood type B. This means you will produce B antigens. You will also produce Anti-A antibodies, meaning you cannot receive a transfusion of type A or AB blood.

Can parents both blood type B positives have a child with O positive blood type?

Yes, two B positives can produce an O positive child.

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Mom has a positive blood type dad has b negativeblood type can it produce a child with o positive blood type?

Since O blood is recessive and B is dominant, this scenario would be possible

Can One parent with an o blood type and the other parent with an A blood type produce a b blood type?


Could a female with B type and a man with AB type blood produce an offspring with O type blood?

Yes, an individual with blood type B can produce an offspring with blood type A. The explanation for this is that a mother with the blood type A can have a child with a father who has a blood type of A or AB and produce a child with type A blood.

Can O positive blood and O positive blood create B positive blood?

There is no possible way that 2 people with type O+ blood could produce B+ blood. type O+ and O+ blood can only produce O+ blood. Type O blood is recessive to both type A and B blood, therefore someone with type O blood has ONLY type O. However, looking at it the other way around; type A and type B blood can have two different genotypes: AA or AO, BB or BO. So if 2 people were to have children and one of them was either AO/BO and the other was AO/BO, there is a 25% chance of one of their children being type O. There is also type AB blood, but that is irrelevant to this question.

Can O plus B produce O type blood?

Yes. There are two possible genotypes for a person with type B blood: BB or BO. If a person with the BB genotype has children with a person with type O blood, then all of their children will have type B blood. But, it the person has the BO genotype, then any child they have will have a 50% chance of having type O blood.