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Q: Can a baby Red Eared Sliders be in the same tank with a bet ta fish?
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How big do ghost red eared sliders get?

Ghost Red Eared Slider Turtles will get to be the same size as normal Red Eared Slider Turtles, which is 10-12 inches.

How should you take care of a red eared sliders that sheds?

It is natural for red eared sliders to shed, it only means they're growing! Take care of em the same as you'd treat a RES that isn't shedding at the time (:

Are there yellow eared slider turtles?

I don't think there is such a thing as a yellow eared slider. Try looking up yellow bellied sliders. That's probably what you're looking for.

Can two baby male red eared sliders be kept in the same aquarium?

Yeah you can just watch out the might fight and hurt each other so first test if they like each other.

Can red eared sliders mate with painted turtles?

I have researched the same question and I read that painted turtles can only procreate with other painted turtles. Red eared sliders and painted will try to have sex but cannot reproduce

Can turtles be in the same tanks as fish?

I think it depends on the species. I have had two small red-eared sliders and two rather large gold-fish (they look like koi) in the same tank together. You must make sure that the fish have enough room to swim comfortably and that the water is not too deep for the turtles. It worked for me but the turtles refused to go in the water because they were afraid of the fish.

Is it best to keep one red-eared slider or two?

You should only keep multiple Red eared sliders if they are from the same liter. If not they will fight each other. The ones from the same liter will just compete for food ,so give plenty.

Can you keep red eared sliders turtles and eastern mud turtles together?

I have mine together in the same tank and they are fine so I don't see why not.

Can a baby red eared slider and a baby painted turtle be housed in the same enclosure both a few months old?

yes they can. they will get use to each other and will get along. red ear sliders are more timid than eastern painted turtles. so he may be scared of the other turtle at first. but they will learn to get along.

I have a baby RES i am wondering can i put my male Betta fish in the same tank as well as when do i need to get a bigger tank i have a 10 gallon tank right now.?

You should not put your Betta fish in the same tank in the first place, most likely the male will kill your other fish. by res do you mean red eared slider?

Why won't my baby red eared slider eat?

AnswerDo you have a heat lamp for the turtle? See the Related Question below.AnswerMy baby turtle has the same problem but I'll tell you what I know... Red eared sliders can only eat in water, and they wont eat if its too cold or if your watching him/her. also try giving him/her different foods and try to see if he/she will eat that. also if it is a new turtle then wait a few day until it is used to its surrondings. and baby red eared sliders like meat alot more then anything else so try and give cooked salmon or cooked meat. I hope that your turtle eats!Another Answer:Red Eared Slider turtles eat MEAT when babies, make sure they are at home and comfy and not spazzing out, then slip a small piece of chicken in their tank. It will sink, but they should find it. Also, when Red Eared Sliders are babies, the water cannot go above their heads if they are on their back legs. Their heads need to poke out.

Can a eastern box turtle share a tank with a eastern painted turtle and mate with it?

No, different types of turtles can only mate with each other if they are both part of the same sub species. for instance yellow belly sliders and red eared sliders can mate. but a painted turtle and box turtle would not mate.