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This is a rather difficult question to answer. In theory it's possible.

A baby requires X and Y chromosomes. The Y chromosome is only found in males.

While it is possible to genetically engineer babies, they still need male genetic interaction. In theory it may be possible to genetically engineer the baby from one egg and sperm, then have the other partners genes engineered into the baby during growth in the womb.

You can't make a baby without sperm.

While in theory the above is possible, it has not been scientifically proven as successful.

The process I have described above is called artificial parthenogenesis. The method has been tested on insects and rats in a lab, both with varying levels of success and failure.

So far, unfortunately there has been no success with humans, but scientists are still researching, because they have managed to make it work in rats and insects. The problem is that human DNA is the most complex DNA structure on Earth. Even if an experiment is successful the resulting child would be under scientific observation for his/her life to ensure the process doesn't cause health issues, before the procedure is available to the public.

You should also bear in mind that genetic engineering is extremely controversial. One single slip-up during engineering will change the future of humankind.

One other thing you could try, is to have your parter donate her egg to you and have that egg fertilised by a sperm in your womb.

I advise you to speak to a fertility or family planning doctor about this, you never know what you might learn.

Wish you the best of luck.

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Can a baby be born with a negative blood type if both parents have a positive blood type?

and and one from their father, which get passed from generation to generation.... all babies get genes from their parents, who in turn got genes from their parents... -all- of your genes came from your parents, if your parents don't have the gene, you can't get it. (unless you're a mutant) Hair and skin color are complicated because there are lots of different genes that control it, which is why we have so many shades of colors of hair and skin color. But the Rh factor is simple, just two options + or -. If you are Rh-, then you are - - (one negative came from mom and one from dad). If you are Rh+, then you are either + + or + - (it only takes one positive to make you positive) If both parents are Rh+ and have mixed genes (+ -), then it is possible that each of them will give the - gene to their child, making the child Rh- (- -). (there is a 25% chance that the child will be Rh- and 75% chance that the child will get a positive from either one or both parents) If one parent is Rh+ and has 2 positive genes (+ +) then it doesn't matter what the other parent is, all the children will be Rh+ Here is another website that may be able to help ans some quest: So, to answer your question. Two Rh+ parents can have an Rh- child..... but the negative still came from the parents.

Is it true that you will definitely inherit a genetic disease if both your parents show any sign of the disease?

IT depends if both parents have it on their genes (X and Y) as Dominant or Recessive, If one of them is dominant, you better expect to get it unless the other parent has a DOminant Counter-Gene

What can cause genetic variation?

genes are kept in chromosomes, there is this thing called meiosis which is when the chromosomes/genes get split in half, one from both parents that way it equals the normal amount of genes later. the genes have tons of ways to mix and match around while getting split apart and then ending up in the same place.

A plant known as a pomato is a transgenic plant which contains genes from both?

Pomato is a transgenic plant which contains genes from both paent Potato and Tomato.

How does crossing over explain genetic variability?

Normally the genes on a chromosome are inherited as a complete set. If you get that chromosome you get all the genes on it. In the process of crossing over similar sections of DNA are swapped from one chromosome to another. This means that different pairings of genes will be inherited together going forward.

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I'll wait for you to ask the question. Positive parents can have a negative baby as positive is dominant so they may both have one positive and one negative gene and the baby gets the two negative genes.

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