

Can a baby hamster die inside a female hamster?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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yes, hamsters can die inside their mommy's tummy, and her body just absorbs the remains. It then acts as an infection and the mommy's body is working overtime to fight this off.

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Q: Can a baby hamster die inside a female hamster?
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If you touch the baby hamster, your scent will get on it and the mother will not reconized it. If you separate a hamster before it is three weeks old, then it can die. It needs it's mother for... Other purposes that it cannot give itself

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The baby will die easy in you if the placenta detaches!!!!

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well if a baby did die inside u i would blame dar ;)

Could a baby die inside you?

Yes, they can.

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yes certainly because wasps may sting the inside of the hamster

Will your pregnant hamster eat her babies?

I've been told that in rare occasions when the baby is dying or sick, she will. DO NOT TOUCH THE BABIES. This will result to your scent being transfered to the baby hamster and the mother, thinking that the scent is unusual and that it is dangerous, will eat the baby or leave it alone to die.