

Can a bear kill a hyena?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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12y ago

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Yes, but hyenas and bears live in completely different environments. However, a healthy, strong bear can even take down a pack of wolves.

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Q: Can a bear kill a hyena?
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the can kill them

Does a hyena have a predator?

Yes! The Lion, who will often kill Hyena cubs, as well as large prides of Lions who will kill Hyena Adults when the Hyenas will try to poach (steal) a fresh kill from Lions.

Can a hyena kill a lion?

One hyena alone would be no match for a lion, but a pack of hyenas working together can kill an adult male lion.

What type of dog has killed a hyena?

Mastiff breeds are big and strong enough to kill hyenas.

Can hyena's kill a male lion?

One hyena alone would be no match for a lion, but a pack of hyenas working together can kill an adult male lion.

Are lions a predator of the hyena?

Yes and no. A lion will not hunt a hyena but it will kill one as hyenas are seen as competition for food by lions, but that is not to say that a hungry lion would not eat hyena. But it works the other way too, hyena would kill a lion and i have seen them eat a dead lioness!

What would a lion do to a hyena?

1 lion vs. 1 hyena, the lion would kill/scare the hyena away. Hyenas are usually only in a pack. 1 lion vs. a pack of hyenas, they would kill the lion.

Do Hyena have predators?

Lions kill hyenas given the opportunity.

Can a spider kill a bear?

Yes. A spider can kill a bear.