

Can hyena's kill a male lion?

Updated: 12/8/2022
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14y ago

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One hyena alone would be no match for a lion, but a pack of hyenas working together can kill an adult male lion.

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Q: Can hyena's kill a male lion?
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Can a hyena kill a lion?

One hyena alone would be no match for a lion, but a pack of hyenas working together can kill an adult male lion.

Can ten male German Shepherd dogs kill a male African Lion?

A male lion can scare off 15 spotted hyenas and hyena are larger and more powerfull then german shepard the dogs might attack the lion but they conot kill it.

What is the relationship between lions ad hyenas?

A lion can kill a hyena, but a pack of hyenas can kill a lion. Both are predators.

Which kills the prey the male lion or the female lion?

The female lion works in packs to kill prey like cape buffalo, gnus, gazalles, antelopes, and zebras. The male lion protects the territory from other lions and hyenas.

Which animal kills the lion for food?

hyenas kill lion for their food

What would a lion do to a hyena?

1 lion vs. 1 hyena, the lion would kill/scare the hyena away. Hyenas are usually only in a pack. 1 lion vs. a pack of hyenas, they would kill the lion.

What can kill the male lion?

Cape buffaloes kill them for defense. Hyenas and wild dogs kill them for territories. Hunters kill them for mane and skin, while farmers kill them for protection of livestocks. Hyenas and wild dogs kill them for territories. Crocodiles kill them incase of being attacked. Elephants, rhinos, and hippos kill them for protecting their young.

Can a pack of wild dogs kill a lion?

Yes. Hyenas and dogs will frequently drive a lion from its kill. The lion can run away, but if he tries to stay and fight, the lion will kill the dogs in front - and the dogs behind him will kill the lion.

Will a lion kill an alligator?

It's hard to say, but I think not. Crocodiles are too low to the ground and too dangerous for even a pack of lions to pick on. Powerful jaws, amazingly fast movement even after sitting for hours at a time, powerful tail and very thick skin makes it impossible for any animal to try to kill.

What are some predators that hunt a lion?

A healthy lion is an apex predator: No animals, other than man, prey on it in its natural habitat. That being said, male lions do kill each other over territory and females. Also, a pack of hyenas can kill a lion, and so can a crocodile, although these sorts of incidents are rare. Neither hyenas nor crocodiles target lions as prey.

Can lionesses kill adult spotted hyenas?

One lioness can kill an adult spotted hyena but it is rare. Male Lions are the ones who usually kill hyenas.

How many wolves does it take to kill a lion?

I would have to say between 8-13 hyenas would take on a Lion, and the upper amount being 12-13 would get the kill while losing half their pack.