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Q: Can a boys changing voice cause sore throat?
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When does boys voice stop changing?

This is a sign that you are done with puberty.

How will you know if the voice is from boys?

I am not sure what you are asking here, are you wondering how you can tell if a voice (for example, over the phone) is a boy's voice or a girl's voice or are you enquiring about a boy's voice changing in pitch (breaking) during puberty?

Does your throat hurt when going through puberty for a boy?

You can get a sore throat, especially in boys when the larnx is stretching. This is a process that is natural and ends in the voice changing to a deeper tone. It is more often called the voice breaking.

Do boys voices start changing at 7 years old?

The voice changes during puberty at around 14 to 16-years of age.

What did the boys chant kill the pig cut his throat reveal about their changing goals and character?

The boys chanting "Kill the pig. Cut his throat. Spill his blood." suggest a shift towards savagery and a primal instinct for violence. Their changing goal is to satisfy their growing bloodlust and dominance over the island rather than to maintain civility and order. This behavior reveals a deterioration of their character as they become increasingly consumed by their inner darkness and primal impulses.

Why is your voice changing?

During puberty it is normal for the male voice to deepen, about one octave. Adult pitch is "usually" reached at about age 15, but not for all males. The deepening of the voice is cause by the growth of the larynx (voice box).

Can a twelve year old boys voice change?

You have to wait... It will happen eventually although it is not unknown for it to happen this early in Puberty. It is normal for a boy of your age to have a higher voice than older boys. Puberty will cause your voice to lower, but it can take a few years.

At puberty a boys voice changes due to the effects of testosterone so the what enlarges and the what becomes longer?

At puberty the effects of testosterone cause the Larynx (also called the Voice Box or Adam's Apple) to enlarge, this makes the pitch of the voice lower and a boy's voice is said to "break".

What does it mean when boys cant scream?

They have a sore throat or some form of throat infection, apart from that is doesn't 'mean' anything.

What percent of high school boys do deep throat?

ngl, all of them ;)

What is an Adam's Apple who has it?

An Adam's Apple is not an organ or gland, as many assume; it's merely a protuberance (bump) on the throat caused by the largest cartilage of the larynx. It is not, as often stated, unique to men. However, when boys go through puberty their voice box shifts (and their voice gets deeper), which tends to cause the throat cartilage to become angled outward. This causes the "adam's apple" lump in the throat. Many men have this feature, and on some it's very pronounced. However, in some women the cartilage is noticeable, while some men have no noticeable bump. It is a myth that you can tell for certain if someone had a sex chance from male to female by looking for an Adam's apple.

Do boys get there pierod?

no they cant