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Every bruise results in minor bleeding and a small blood clot. A blood clot is the body's natural way to stop bleeding and heal the site. If you mean cause a dangerous clot, a bruise is not in a vein. It is more a superficial injury. The only way a clot is dangerous is if it can travel to the heart or brain. Bruises don't cause clots that will travel.

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Q: Can a bruise cause a blood clot?
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Is hematoma a blot clot?

Sort of - yes. A hematoma, aka contusion, aka bruise is when blood escapes from a broken blood vessel and is visible under the skin. The blood in the tissue will clot.

When can a bruise become dangerous?

If the bruise is large, and has a clot under it, the clot can move to sensitive areas of the body (lungs, Heart, brain) and cause further damages: stroke, heart attack etc.

How do you make bruise look worse?

Yes, rubbing a bruise can make it worse. It encourages circulation, which will make the bruise bleed under your skin more. It can also spread around the blood that has already pooled in the area. At the worst, if there is a clot present, it can cause it to move.

If bruise apears after blood test what does it mean?

Bruising after a blood test is quite common. Sometimes the site where the blood was taken is not held tightly enough to allow for it to completely clot, allowing blood to seep from the vein and collect under the skin forming a bruise. The bruise will typically go away within a week.

Can you get a blood clot after quitting smoking?

Quitting smoking will not cause you to suffer a blood clot. You can, of course, still have a blood clot, but it will not happen as a result of your failure to smoke.

What conditions are caused by blood clots?

A blood clot that blocks an artery to the brain can cause a stroke. If the clot blocks blood flow to the lungs pulmonary embolism can occur. A blood clot that blocks a coronary artery can cause a heart attack.

What in the blood is the cause for the blood to clot?

White blood cells help clot the blood. Low PH makes red blood cells clump together

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Can a blood clot cause cor pulmonale?

A large pulmonary thromboembolism (blood clot) may lead to acute cor pulmonale

What cardiovascular disorders are the direct result of blood clots?

If the clot forms in an artery that supplies blood to the heart, for example, it can cause a heart attack. A clot that cuts off blood to the brain can cause a stroke.

What hemophilia do?

It is a disease where the blood does not clot. Victims bruise easily from very mild touch and can easily bleed to death from minor cuts or scrapes.

Can a fall after knee surgery cause a Blood Clot?

It is possible.