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Q: Can a car and a motorcycle share a lane when stopped?
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What is helpful if you find a car or motorcycle approaching you in your lane?

A quick flash of the headlights helps. Whatever you do, don't dodge into their lane, because that is where they will be going.

Who has the right of way when a car is stopped at a stop sign and another car is making a you turn from a turn lane but can't complete the turn until a car in the lane of traffic passes?

The first car to the stop sign, the car to the right, or the car that is in the way of the car trying to perform a u-turn.

What should drivers on a 2-lane road do when A car is slowing down at a stop sign A car is turning a corner A car is stopped at a curb A car is speeding up to pass another car?

A driver in the driving lane of a road who encounters these 4 situations would or should:Slow down and stop behind the car that is slowing down at a stop sign.If ahead of you in your lane, slow down or stop while the other car is turning a corner.Reduce speed and continue past a car that is stopped at a curb; be aware for doors opening on the stopped car.On a 2-lane road, cars should NOT speed up to pass another car! They should wait until the driver ahead of them speeds up or leaves the road, even if the person is going just one mph.

What portion of a traffic lane does a motorcycle need to operate safely?

It depends on the local laws for what portion of a traffic lane does a motorcycle need to operate safely. Some areas require as much room as a car, while other areas allow motorcycles to go wherever they fit on the roads.

What do you do when you are driving behind a motorcycle and you want to pass?

Pass a motorcycle the same way you would pass a car. If you are passing on a curve just remember that motorcycles can take turns faster than a car and that many take the shortest line through a curve.

Pulled two to three feet out of stall going forward saw car coming stopped and waited other car hit you are you at fault because you were in lane of traffic in parking lot?

The question is missing the information required to answer. How close was the approaching car when you saw him and stopped in his lane of travel? If your move was sudden and there was not sufficient time for him to stop or avoid you, then YOU are at fault. On the other hand - if the approaching car was sufficiently far enough away for them to have seen you and either stopped or avoided you, then THEY are at faoult. For the last secenario - you better have a witness to confirm your version of the situation.

Why do you drive a car but ride a motorcycle?

You get into a car but climb onto a motorcycle.

Who is at fault when a car merges illegally crossing double yellow lines into the carpool lane and hits a motorcycle?

A vehicle that has an accident while doing an illegal maneuver is automaticly at fault.However the other may be at fault too depending on the circumstance. additional thought here The motorcycle may have a problem because they don't belong in the carpool lane.

What happens if you hit a stopped car in a left lane on a highway?

You are at fault. As a licensed driver you are responsible to look for and avoid all potential hazards on the road.

Is a car or motorcycle faster around a track?

It completely depends on the track and the car or motorcycle

When entering an expressway never stop in the acceleration lane unless traffic is?

When entering an expressway, never stop in the acceleration lane unless traffic is stopped. This would cause an accident if the traffic was not moving and a persons car was continuing to accelerate.

Which is newer the car or the motorcycle?

The Car is newer than the motorcycle, the car was first invented in 1896. The first Motorcycle was invented in 1867. Both were steam-powered at the time.