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One lab test done in the hospital or clinic is Arterial Blood Gases (ABG).

This test checks the amount of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in the blood. The reason they check both is to rule out the possibility of another gas such as Carbon Monoxide (CO) being present.

The test uses a technique from chemistry called "partial pressure" to measure gases in a liquid. Partial pressure means "how much pressure would the amount of gas exert in a vaccuum equal to the amount of our blood sample". So the results look like PCO2 (meaning the partial pressure of CO2).

The carotid artery is not very far from the heart and has fresh, oxygen-rich blood. Testing at this site would tell you something about the quality of the blood being supplied to the head and neck.

People with heart defects or Heart disease may not be getting good, oxygen-rich blood to the brain, and will feel symptoms of this. When people complain of certain symptoms, a doctor may run tests in order to see if heart problems are causing these symptoms.

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