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chicken poo is great fertilizer!

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Q: Can a chicken's poop used as a fertilizer?
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Related questions

Does poop has nitrogen in it?

yes it help in decompose process used in fertilizer too

Why don't chickens poop?

Chickens do poop and pee and can also have diarrhea if the chicken's diet is bad.

Can rabbit poop be fertilzer?

Yes, rabbit poop is a great fertilizer.

Which chickens poop?

All of them.

How do you process pigeon poop to be used as a fertilizer?

all you got to do is throw it in a bucket and dump it on the feild

How do elephants help the environment?

Their poop can be used as fertilizer and paper. There skins, tusks, and meat also can be consumed.

What are worms poop called?

fertilizer (Earthworm) middens

Do baby chickens poop alot?


How does a farmer get the smell out of pig poop to sell it as fertilizer?

he composts it

Why is poop good fertilizer?

Cow manure contains lots of macro nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen that are very important in aiding the growth of plants. It is a natural and very cheap source of fertilizer, and thus is used more often than man-made pellet fertilizers.

What is a manure in Poptropica?

Manure is what the body excretes out of the anus, and is otherwise known as poop. Horse or cow manure is used as a fertilizer for plants.

What does pick poop with the chickens mean?

It means that you are reduced to meager circumstances, as if you have to get out and scratch for your living in the dirt with the chickens.