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Yes. The matter can be brought before the court with jurisdiction over the custody order. The court will assign an investigator who will provide a report and the court may make a modification of the custody order if it finds sufficient cause.

The court may wait until the domestic violence charge has been adjudicated or it may make a temporary change while that claim is being investigated.

Yes. The matter can be brought before the court with jurisdiction over the custody order. The court will assign an investigator who will provide a report and the court may make a modification of the custody order if it finds sufficient cause.

The court may wait until the domestic violence charge has been adjudicated or it may make a temporary change while that claim is being investigated.

Yes. The matter can be brought before the court with jurisdiction over the custody order. The court will assign an investigator who will provide a report and the court may make a modification of the custody order if it finds sufficient cause.

The court may wait until the domestic violence charge has been adjudicated or it may make a temporary change while that claim is being investigated.

Yes. The matter can be brought before the court with jurisdiction over the custody order. The court will assign an investigator who will provide a report and the court may make a modification of the custody order if it finds sufficient cause.

The court may wait until the domestic violence charge has been adjudicated or it may make a temporary change while that claim is being investigated.

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12y ago

Yes. The matter can be brought before the court with jurisdiction over the custody order. The court will assign an investigator who will provide a report and the court may make a modification of the custody order if it finds sufficient cause.

The court may wait until the domestic violence charge has been adjudicated or it may make a temporary change while that claim is being investigated.

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Q: Can a child be taken from a custodial father who has been charged with domestic violence?
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In a situation such as this, the custodial parent should oppose visitation or, if that fails, ask for supervised visitation.

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Provided that he's not a victim of domestic violence, yes.

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Yes. He would need her consent if she is the custodial parent.

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Yes in some states and counties it may be possible for the father of your sons to obtain joint custody despite his past criminal record of domestic violence and rehabilitation which could also help him.

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Yes. If a boy sees his father beating his mother he will grow up thinking that is acceptable when it is not!

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Yes, if the father is the custodial parent. It works just the same as when the mother is the custodial parent. The non-custodial pay child support based on their income and other factors.

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no, that's custodial interference

Does child support increase if the father gets married?

No. (The answer is the same whether the father is the obligor/non-custodial parent or obligee/custodial parent.)

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If you are a single mother, and there are no court orders in place, you already have sole custody. Otherwise, yes. Under the Violence Against Women Act, a judge is not allowed to even consider the validity of a claim of domestic violence in deciding custody.

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With time and preparation. see links below

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A custodial parent may have to pay child support if his income is significantly higher than that of the non-custodial parent based on the non-custodial parent's "parenting time" percentage.