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Yes. Drowning is not about the amount of water the person is in but how the water enters the persons system. If the child gets too much bath water in their lungs at once without being able to spit it out they can drown. But...a child should NEVER be left alone in a bath long enough for that to happen....PERIOD!

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Not drown but can choke.

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Q: Can a child drown from consuming too much bath water?
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Can your hermit crab drown while taking a bath?

Only if they have no way of getting out of the water. They will climb out when they need to but you shouldn't put them in a situation where they are unable to get out of the water on their own if they need to.

Do hamsters need to take a bath?

yes, they do.. and they wont drown.

What are the disadvantage of water bath laboratory?

it can be more time consuming than using an open flame, ie bunsen burner.

Why you should not take bath immediately after eating?

You might get a cramp and drown.

When was The Child's Bath created?

The Child's Bath was created in 1893.

How long can hermit crabs have a bath for?

They can drown so less than a minute.