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At 11 Years Old they can be left alone if they're from a married couple.

At 12 if they're a girl alone from a non married couple.

13 for a boy if they're alone from a non married couple.

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Q: Can a child legally be left home alone in Virginia?
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What is the age you can leave your child home alone in Louisiana?

The state of Louisiana does not have a law that states the age in which a child can be left home alone. However it is never recommended that a child under age 12 be left home alone for any period of time.

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How long can a 9 year old be home alone in MD?

None. A child that age should always be supervised.

At what age can you leave a child at home alone in VA?

I think it sould be mostly up to the parent but it should be when the child is mature enough to handle themselves and emergency situations. They should not be left home alone for too long the first time and go over the emergency procedures with your child.You may gradually increase the time alone if it is okay with the child. DO NOT LEAVE THE CHILD ALONE IF THEY DONT WANT TO BE LEFT HOME ALONE!!!!!

What age can a child legally be home alone in Tennessee?

it depends on a lot of things. Go to department of family services online and read about it

What is the Virginia law on leaving child home alone?

Legally, a child cannot be left without adult supervision unless they are at least 12 years old. There are very few states in the U.S. with legal minimum ages for children home alone, but many state agencies have published guidelines. Georgia, Illiniois, Maryland and Oregon are a few of the states with specific ages mentioned in their laws.12 years of age appears to be the most common recommendation. Below in Related Links is an article entitled Home Alone Children Legal Age Limits state by state comparison with references.One guideline from a California child welfare representative suggests that 8 year olds and over can be left at home for a brief amount of time(such as just after school). The most common statement is that a child's maturity should be the determining factor and not just age.

At what age does a child not legally require daycare in Canada?

The age at which children can legally be left at home alone for short periods of time varies from province to province, from 10 to 12 years. - Canada Safety Council

What is Ohio's law to leave a child alone?

From my understanding, a parent can leave their child or children home alone at any age, as long as they think they are mature enough to handle it. Basically, there is not a law in Ohio about leaving a child alone. However, in the instance that something was to happen while the child or children were alone, then something would be done legally.

Can a 17-year-old legally live alone in his grandmother's home when she's in a nursing home if his mom wants him to get out?


Is it considered child endangerment to leave a 2 year home alone for five minutes?

If you are not in the states of Illinois or Maryland it is legally okay to leave a 10 year old home alone for two hours. Depending on the child - it is a case by case judgment call. But I would consider that acceptable.

What age does a child no longer need a babysitter in Washington State? School Aged Children Home Alone? The decision to leave your child home alone is a very personal decision that needs to be made based on your feelings and experience with your child. Washington State does not have any laws or rules that say at what age a child can be left home alone. In general, children under 10 should not be left on their own, and babies and younger children should not be left alone even for a few minutes. Here are some questions to ask your self before you leave your child home alone. Does your child feel at all frightened or apprehensive about staying home alone? Does your child follow your instructions and your rules? Can you count on your child to tell you the truth? Can your child be counted on to stay clearheaded in an unexpected or emergency situation? Can you child calmly dial 911, give their full name (and yours), street address and phone number, and explain the situation? You might feel most comfortable starting out leaving your child alone for short periods of time. Go slowly and make sure that you and your child are comfortable with the situation.

Can a child be left alone ina home at the age of 8 years old?

No! A child has to be 10 years ol to stay home alone!