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If the child is dangerously allergic-avoid soy like the plague. The proteins can be similar.

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13y ago

Well, if a pistachio is not then no. If your child has severe Allergies, don't ever even think about a pistachio. If the allergy isn't too strong, then don't worry, I think he/she'll be fine.

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Q: Can a child with nut allergies eat soy?
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Why nut allergies?

With allergies, the body recognizes the substance as foreign and attacks it much in the same way the immune system attacks a virus. So, in your case, your body thinks nuts shouldn't be in your system and tries to rid of them.

Where can you buy food for a child with allergies to corn and soy?

at a vitamen store

Do you have to eat soy food to be vegetarian?

No, there are some vegetarians and vegans with soy allergies. They get their protein through nuts, nut butters, sunflower and other seeds, seitan, tempeh, beans, grains, leafy green vegetables, and other great food.

What are ten top things that people are allergic to?

The ten most common food allergies are milk egg, tree nut, fish, shellfish, wheat, soy, peanut, hay fever, and pollen.

Is a soy nut a nut?

Soy nuts are made from soybeans soaked in water, drained, and then baked or roasted.

Is a soy nut a tree nut?

yes it does. soy beans produce a seed that complies with the ones found in the tree nut allergy. if allergic i suggest you stay away!!!

Do ducks eat roasted soy nuts?

They don't choose nuts, but I have seen them try to eat them. They may be able to eat them but they must be chopped very, very, very, very, very, very, very finely. Ducks don't have teeth so the food they eat must be very soft and very small. Not a good idea to toss a peanut to a duck.

What will soy milk do to a male?

Drinking Soy milk would have no adverse effects on a male, unless he was alergic to it. While rare allergies can happen to soy.

What is the smallest nut?

Soy is actually the smallest edible nut. The largest edible nut in the entire world that is edible is the cocoa nut.

What foods should you eat if you want proteins?

beans, peas, nuts, soy products, nut butters, and meat but the good kind like salmon

Can you bake with organic soy flour?

Yes, you can bake with Organic Soy Flour, it is a good alternative to regular flour if you have gluten allergies, as Soy Flour is Gluten Free.

What is the smallest edible nut?

Soy is actually the smallest edible nut. The largest edible nut in the entire world that is edible is the cocoa nut.