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Q: Can a circumcised female experience sexual pleasure by the stimulation of her G-spot?
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When talking about a male or female "Playing with one's self," means the same thing; it is a term to describe masturbation. Masturbation is manual stimulation of the genital organs for sexual pleasure.

Do woman experience pleasure when a man ejaculates?

A female is normally psychologically pleased by her contribution to causing a male to have an ejaculation at the proper time. The female may also feel pleasure when the warm ejaculate strikes the vaginal surfaces. Males often feel greatly enhanced pleasure when the female has an orgasm.

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When are female children circumcised in lagos?

Female genital mutilation is done anytime after the age of eight years old.

What is cunnylingus?

It is the activity of giving sexual pleasure to the female partner by licking her vulva. This can be extremely pleasurable to her. Also there involves great skill and paitence in making her experience orgasm.

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When you girls marry an uncut guy would you ask him to get circumcised because you like it better?

If a woman loves a guy enough to get married to him, I can't imagine that she'd ask him to go through a painful surgery to his penis just because she doesn't like foreskins, but if it's important to her, the guy should get circumcised AT LEAST a month before the any case the female gets mor pleasure from the intact penis so she would have to be out of her mind.Male Circumcision Affects Female Sexual EnjoymentA survey of women who have had sexual experience with circumcised and anatomically complete partners showed that the anatomically complete penis was preferred over the circumcised penis. Without the foreskin to provide a movable sleeve of skin, intercourse with a circumcised penis resulted in female discomfort from increased friction, abrasion, and loss of natural secretions. Respondents overwhelmingly concurred that the mechanics of coitus were different for the two groups of men. Unaltered men tended to thrust more gently with shorter strokes. O'Hara, K. and O'Hara, J., "The Effect of Male Circumcision on the Sexual Enjoyment of the Female Partner," BJU 83 (1999): suppl. 1: 79-84

How does someone finger you?

'Fingering' refers to manual stimulation of the female genitalia.

What receives stimulation in the female?

Almost anything can receive stimulation in both females and males. Stimulation can occur for almost any sense such as touch, smell, and sight, as well as being intellectual stimulated.

Is it wise for you to get circumcised in order to satisfy your woman even more?

No it is not wise as circumcision will reduce the ability to satisfy a woman. there is no reason why any one should think that the removal of a very important part of the male anatomy would lead to more pleasure for a woman. the answer is on the contrary. the foreskin increases the woman's pleasure.Male Circumcision Affects Female Sexual EnjoymentA survey of women who have had sexual experience with circumcised and anatomically complete partners showed that the anatomically complete penis was preferred over the circumcised penis. Without the foreskin to provide a movable sleeve of skin, intercourse with a circumcised penis resulted in female discomfort from increased friction, abrasion, and loss of natural secretions. Respondents overwhelmingly concurred that the mechanics of coitus were different for the two groups of men. Unaltered men tended to thrust more gently with shorter strokes. O'Hara, K. and O'Hara, J., "The Effect of Male Circumcision on the Sexual Enjoyment of the Female Partner," BJU 83 (1999): suppl. 1: 79-84

What if you only want circumcised men?

There's nothing wrong with that. I wouldn't recommend asking or telling a man to get circumcised, but you can talk to him about it.If you are more turned on by the mutilated penis then that is your prerogative, however it will put you at a bit of a disadvantage as less then 20% of the worlds men are circumcised and with circumcision comes the added risk of sexual dysfunction. Perhaps you should acquaint yourself with the reasoning behind circumcision and come to an understanding of the importance of the prepuce before deciding that a man should be silly enough to deny him self the pleasure of a correct sexual response.Male Circumcision Affects Female Sexual EnjoymentA survey of women who have had sexual experience with circumcised and anatomically complete partners showed that the anatomically complete penis was preferred over the circumcised penis. Without the foreskin to provide a movable sleeve of skin, intercourse with a circumcised penis resulted in female discomfort from increased friction, abrasion, and loss of natural secretions. Respondents overwhelmingly concurred that the mechanics of coitus were different for the two groups of men. Unaltered men tended to thrust more gently with shorter strokes. O'Hara, K. and O'Hara, J., "The Effect of Male Circumcision on the Sexual Enjoyment of the Female Partner," BJU 83 (1999): suppl. 1: 79-84

What is cunnilingus and fellatio?

Cunnilingus is oral sex performed on a woman, involving stimulation of the clitoris and vulva with the mouth and tongue. Fellatio is oral sex performed on a man, involving stimulation of the penis with the mouth and tongue. Both acts can be intimate expressions of sexual pleasure and can enhance sexual experiences between partners.