


Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin or prepuce from the penis. The majority of circumcisions are done on religious or cultural grounds, while some are done for health reasons.

1,024 Questions

What is the scientific name of ENGUU a herbal medicine from Western Kenya and used as medicine during circumcision ceremonies?

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Asked by Kabuyes

ENGUU, a herbal medicine used during circumcision ceremonies in Western Kenya, does not have a specific scientific name as it is a local traditional remedy. It is likely a blend of various plant species with medicinal properties that are culturally significant to the community.

Tool looks like draw knife but round at bottom blade edge curved rocking motion to cut.What was it used for?

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Asked by Wiki User

It could be a curved draw knife, also known as a round bottom shave. This tool is used for shaping and smoothing curved surfaces, such as chair seats or the inside of a wooden bowl, by utilizing a rocking motion to make precise cuts. Its unique shape allows for controlled removal of material while following the contours of the workpiece.

Why didn't Sigmund Freud have his sons circumcised?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sigmund Freud did not have his sons circumcised because he believed that circumcision was a harmful and unnecessary practice. He thought that it could lead to psychological and physical harm for the child. Freud's decision was influenced by his views on sexuality and the body.

Are most Romanian penises circumcised?

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Asked by Johntorresbrooklyn

very few would be perhaps if it was done as a result of a medical emergency but in the main this would be as unlikely as having any part of the body amputated. There is no particular religious compulsion on them to have it done on the contrary there are actual religious reasons why it should not be done to children or for that matter adults. this makes the procedure rare and the general attitude towards it one that would describe it as male genital mutilation, most Italians have intact genitals as do the rest of the the rest of Europeans.

Are most Somali penises circumcised?

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Asked by Johntorresbrooklyn

Yes, the vast majority of Somali males undergo circumcision as part of their cultural and religious practices. It is a common tradition in Somali society that is typically carried out during childhood or adolescence.

Are most Rwandan penises circumcised?

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Asked by Johntorresbrooklyn

Yes, circumcision is a common cultural practice in Rwanda, with most men being circumcised. It is often performed as a traditional rite of passage or for health reasons.

Are most Nigerian penises circumcised?

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Asked by Johntorresbrooklyn

Yes most Nigerians are circumcised.

Circumcision practice around the world has various implications and has generated a lot of debate about the pros and cons of the practice. Nigeria is one of the countries where male and female circumcision practice still occurs however, there has been claim of reduction in female genital cutting. Congregational or 'group' circumcision prevails in some communities as a means of upholding traditions and commemoration of festive period. Objective:To determine the pattern of circumcision practice and identify factors affecting the practice in Ilorin community. Materials and Methods: The study was a descriptive, cross sectional study conducted among parents of under-5 children of both the sexes using pre-tested, semi-structured questionnaires, which were administered to the respondents by trained research assistants over a six-week period. Clinical examination of genital area in index child of each respondent was done by a pediatric surgeon, who was the principal investigator. Results: Three hundred and ninety three (93%) respondents completed the questionnaire and the same number of index children's external genitalia was examined by the pediatric surgeon. The mean age of respondents was 33.2±9.3 years, and the main source of family income was private enterprises and civil services. The circumcision status of fathers was 100%, mothers, 65.6%, and overall female-child circumcision rate was 46.7%. Though, most of the index children were delivered at health centers (72.3%), the circumcisions were performed at almost equal frequencies by traditional circumcisionists (39.8%) and doctors (39.2%), with more than half of the circumcision being done outside the hospital. The mean age at circumcision was 22 ±0.69 months, with 73.9% of girls as against 91.7% boys being circumcised by the age of five years. Family choice was the main determinant of the age at circumcision and the circumcisionist. Female circumcision was done by traditional circumcisionist, nurses, and doctors in 1 in 4, 1 in 5, and 1 in 10 cases of circumcision, respectively. Traditional open (classical) circumcision technique was mostly used (40.4%), followed by Plastibel TM (ring type) (32.6%), and 'group' circumcision was practiced among 41.2% of respondents. Post-circumcision complications were seen in 116 (33.7%) of circumcised children examined. Conclusion: Circumcision practice in Ilorin is still higher among the traditional circumcisionists, despite of high hospital delivery. Female circumcision and 'group' circumcision were also being practiced, using mainly the traditional open circumcision technique. The high rate of circumcision complications indicate the need for proper enlightenment and retraining of health care providers and traditional circumcisionists on the safe methods available. The government should involve the religion and opinion leaders in the community to assist in the prevention of negative and harmful traditional practices including female circumcision.

Abdur-Rahman LO, Musa OI, Oshagbemi GK. Community-based study of circumcision practices in Nigeria. Ann Trop Med Public Health 2012;5:231-5

Abdur-Rahman LO, Musa OI, Oshagbemi GK. Community-based study of circumcision practices in Nigeria. Ann Trop Med Public Health [serial online] 2012 [cited 2014 Jan 4];5:231-5. Available from:


Circumcision has been widely practiced from the immemorial time, around the world, for different reasons and at different stages of life. Health promotion and health protection are medical reasons given in the developed world for circumcision. In many developing countries, such as Africa and Asia, cultural, religious, and aesthetic reasons are given. [1] About one-third of the world's male population has been circumcized. [2] Many reports have reappraised the indications for circumcision, and others have highlighted the alternatives of circumcision. [3] Circumcision is currently claimed to give protection against HIV infection, and wide male circumcision is advocated. [4],[5]

In sub-Saharan Africa, female circumcision, and especially infibulation or pharaonic circumcision is performed, despite of the complications associated with it. In a national survey across the 36 states of Nigeria, the prevalence of female genital cutting (FGC) was highest in: Ekiti (89%), Edo (88%), Ondo and Kwara (83%), Ebonyi (76%), and Bayelsa (72%) with a national prevalence rate of 40%. [6]

Traditionally, circumcision for the male is regarded as an educational institution which prepares them for courtship, negotiating marriage, and other social responsibilities; while for the female, it is a mean of curbing promiscuity. [7],[8]

The settings and practitioners of circumcision vary in different communities and countries. 'Group circumcision' during festive periods is a common practice in Nigeria. Complications arising from circumcision are often concealed for life either due to death of the victims or fear of being made an outcast by the society. [9]

This study aimed at documenting the pattern of circumcision practice and identifies factors affecting the practice in Ilorin community in the northern part of Nigeria.

Materials and Methods

The study was carried out between January 15 th and February 29 th 2008 in Ilorin, an ancient and political capital of Kwara state. It is the gate way between the southern and northern part of Nigeria, and currently in the North-central geopolitical zone. The people are mainly Yorubas and muslims, but there is a mix of other tribes and religion because of its location. The 2006 census, which is the most recent, put the population at 786,429, with an estimated annual population growth rate of 2.5%. [10]

The economy of the area is mostly pre-industrial, with the major occupation of the people being peasant farming and cloth weaving. The educated citizens are employed in the civil service, and a sizable number of the population is engaged in commerce, and small scale industrial enterprises.

The study was a descriptive, cross sectional study conducted among mothers of under-5 children of both the sexes using pre-tested, semi-structured questionnaires, which were administered to the respondents by trained research assistants. The pediatric surgeon conducted the clinical examination of genital area in the index child of each respondent. A multi-staged sampling technique was used to select the household, and index child was randomly selected among the circumcised children in the household. The sample size was calculated with Fisher's formula, and by allowing for a 10% attrition rate, a total sample size of 422 was estimated.

Multistage sampling technique was used to select the subjects from households in compounds of various wards. Due consent was obtained from the household head and respondents after explaining the objectives of the study and confidentiality of findings was ensured. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 11.0 and Microsoft Excel for Windows 2007.

Are most Moroccan penises circumcised?

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Asked by Johntorresbrooklyn

In all country's where the Muslim religion is prevalent circumcision is the prevalent practice. By and large aside from Israel where the Jewish practice the same forms of genital mutilation on their children all other nations of the world. leave their children's genitals intact. that is of all the worlds men somewhere in the region of 15% 0f men are circumcised, the rest are undamaged.

Are most Algerian penises circumcised?

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Asked by Johntorresbrooklyn

Circumcision is a common practice in Algeria, particularly within the Islamic community. While there is no exact data on the percentage of circumcised men in the country, it is a prevalent cultural and religious tradition.

Are most Samoan penises circumcised?

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Asked by Johntorresbrooklyn

No, circumcision is not a common practice among Samoan men. It is not a traditional or cultural norm within the Samoan community.

Are most Palestinian penises circumcised?

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Asked by Johntorresbrooklyn

Yes, circumcision is a common practice among Palestinians, as it is in many cultures and religions around the world. It is often performed for religious or cultural reasons as a rite of passage.

Are most Mongolian penises circumcised?

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Asked by Johntorresbrooklyn

No, circumcision is not a common practice in Mongolia. It is not a traditional custom or religious requirement in Mongolian culture.

Are most Laotian penises circumcised?

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Asked by Johntorresbrooklyn

No, circumcision is not a common practice in Laos. In Laotian culture, circumcision is not traditionally part of the customs or religion as it is in some other cultures.

Are most Iraqi penises circumcised?

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Asked by Johntorresbrooklyn

No, circumcision is not a common practice in Iraq among the general population. It is mainly practiced within specific religious and cultural communities, such as the Kurdish and certain Muslim groups.

Are most Cambodian penises circumcised?

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Asked by Johntorresbrooklyn

No, circumcision is not a common practice among males in Cambodia. It is traditionally not a part of Cambodian culture or tradition.

Are most Bangladeshi penises circumcised?

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Asked by Johntorresbrooklyn

Yes, circumcision is a common practice among Muslim males in Bangladesh for cultural and religious reasons. It is estimated that the majority of Bangladeshi males are circumcised.

Are most Afghan penises circumcised?

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Asked by Johntorresbrooklyn

Yes, circumcision is a common practice in Afghanistan, with the majority of males being circumcised. It is often performed for cultural and religious reasons.

Are most Swiss penises circumcised?

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Asked by Johntorresbrooklyn

No, circumcision is not common in Switzerland. It is not a routine cultural or religious practice in the country.

Are most Belgian penises circumcised?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, circumcision is not a common practice in Belgium. It is estimated that the rate of circumcision in Belgium is relatively low compared to some other countries.

Are most Austrian penises circumcised?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, most Austrian penises are not circumcised. Circumcision rates in Austria are lower compared to countries like the United States, where circumcision is more common for cultural or religious reasons.

Are most Chilean penises circumcised?

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Asked by Wiki User

According to the world health organization less then 20% of Chileans are circumcised.

World health organization figures have to be looked at with caution though as they are a pro circumcision organization that has a reputation for distorting the prevalence of circumcision upwards. Odds are that the prevalence is much lower as there is no religious or cultural tradition related to circumcision in this country.

Are most Brazilian penises circumcised?

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Asked by Wiki User

Circumcision is much less common in Australia than it used to be. Today, less than 10% of newborn boys are circumcised. There are also local and regional differences in circumcision rates. Melbourne has the lowest number of circumcised men and boys. most circumcisions are done for religious and cultural reasons. there are still some that do it mistakenly for medical or hygiene reasons but good information is reducing the incidence of this reason. Doctors advise against it as they should.

Are most Puerto Rican penises circumcised?

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Circumcision rates in Puerto Rico are lower compared to the United States, with only about 25% of males being circumcised. This is mainly due to cultural and religious differences between the two regions.

Are most Panamanian penises circumcised?

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Circumcision is not a common practice in Panama, so most Panamanian males are not circumcised. The decision to circumcise is often influenced by cultural, religious, or medical reasons, not necessarily by nationality.

Are most Jamaican penises circumcised?

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Asked by Wiki User

Circumcision rates in Jamaica are relatively low compared to other countries, with estimates ranging from 3-20%. The practice of circumcision is not common among Jamaican men, as there is no strong cultural or religious tradition that encourages it.