


Tanakh and Talmud

The Tanakh is the set of books that constitute the Hebrew Bible. The Talmud, which comprises the Mishnah (Jewish Oral Law) and the Gemara (commentary on the Mishnah) is the written deliberation of Jewish principles and laws.

5,773 Questions

What is the ancient Hebrew unit of liquid volume equal to ten baths?

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The ancient Hebrew unit of liquid volume equal to ten baths is called a cor. It was used for measuring liquid quantities, particularly in the Old Testament for measures of wine and oil.

What does the 248 body parts represent in the Torah?

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The 248 body parts in the Torah represent the number of positive commandments, or mitzvot, that observant Jews are required to fulfill according to Jewish tradition. Each commandment is believed to correspond to a specific body part as a reminder to involve the entire body in the service of God.

How do you create slash on world tour?

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To create a slash on a world tour, you would need to organize a series of concerts or performances in various cities around the world. This would involve securing venues, coordinating travel logistics for the band and crew, and promoting the tour to attract audiences in each location. It's important to plan ahead and consider factors like transportation, accommodations, and local regulations in each country.

Is the tree of life the same as the tree of knowlegde?

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No, the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge are different symbols in various religions and mythologies. The Tree of Life represents interconnectedness, immortality, and spiritual growth, while the Tree of Knowledge typically symbolizes knowledge, wisdom, and the choice between good and evil.

Where is ester from in The Bible?

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The story of Queen Esther is from the Book of Esther in the Hebrew Bible. Esther was a Jewish queen who lived in Persia and played a crucial role in saving her people from a plot to annihilate them.

Does the presence of marine fossils on mountain tops confirm that Noah's Deluge really happened?

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No, the presence of marine fossils on mountain tops is more likely due to tectonic activity and the shifting of Earth's crust over millions of years, rather than confirming the occurrence of a global flood as described in Noah's Deluge. Geological processes, such as uplift and folding, can bring ancient marine sediments to higher elevations.

What is animal mating?

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Animal mating refers to the process by which animals reproduce sexually through the union of sperm and egg. It may involve courtship behavior, mate selection, copulation, and fertilization. The primary goal of mating is to produce offspring and ensure the continuation of the species.

Did Methuselah die in the flood?

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No, Methuselah did not die in the flood. In the Bible, Methuselah was the grandfather of Noah, who survived the flood by building an ark as instructed by God. Methuselah is said to have lived to be the oldest person in the Bible, dying at the age of 969 years old.

How many pounds in a talent of gold?

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A talent of gold is estimated to be approximately 75 pounds.

How did judaism become secular - how did it get to the point where homosexuality adultery heresy etc isn't punishable by death when these things are explicitly instructed in the Torah?

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In many Jewish communities, religious laws and practices have evolved over time to adapt to modernity and changing societal norms. Interpretations of the Torah and Jewish texts have been re-examined and reinterpreted, leading to more lenient stances on issues like homosexuality, adultery, and heresy. Additionally, secularism and the separation of religion and state have played a role in reducing the influence of traditional religious laws in governing secular society.

Is cosmetic surgery biblically wrong?

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The Bible does not specifically address cosmetic surgery, so opinions on the matter vary among different Christian denominations. Some people may believe that cosmetic surgery is acceptable if it is done for valid medical reasons or to improve one's self-esteem, while others may view it as an unnecessary alteration of God's creation. Ultimately, individuals should prayerfully consider their own beliefs and consult with spiritual leaders to make an informed decision.

What two types of general behavior are discussed in the Ten Commandments?

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The Ten Commandments discuss behavior towards God (first four commandments) and behavior towards others (last six commandments). They emphasize values such as worshiping no other gods, honoring parents, refraining from killing, stealing, lying, and coveting.

What restrictions does Jewish Law place on Jews?

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Jewish Law, or Halakha, places certain restrictions on Jews such as dietary laws (kashrut), rules on observance of the Sabbath, laws on interpersonal relationships, and guidelines for prayer and study. These restrictions aim to guide Jewish individuals in leading a life that is in accordance with the teachings and values of Judaism.

How many people were with Joshua at Jericho?

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Assuming that the figures for the Exodus were correct, and that there was replacement values for the 40 years in the desert, about two million people. This is allowing for the two tribes that did not cross the Jordan to total about one million people. Also accounting that the tribe of Judah had the largest population and Benjamin had the smallest, the average figure should have been about two million, including women and children.

What was the approximate population of first century Palestine?

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The approximate population of first century Palestine is estimated to be around 1-2 million people. This figure includes a diverse population of Jews, Samaritans, Greeks, Romans, and other ethnic groups.

What problems did Israelite face when they returned to Canaan?

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When the Israelites returned to Canaan after the Exodus, they faced challenges such as conflicts with the existing inhabitants, including the Canaanites and Philistines, who resisted their presence. Additionally, there were internal divisions within the Israelite tribes, leading to periods of civil strife and instability. The lack of a centralized government also made it difficult for the Israelites to establish a unified leadership.

What statement describes Abraham's motivation to establish a settlement in the land of Canaan?

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Hello, i add, by the way, i am Palestinian live in the Jordan temporary the now, however, i asked myself similar question, it be interested query, however, my opinion and answer that, may there are multiple reasons, i list from it, 1- firstly you doesn't worry about your place in the world, where the important your relation with god and your ethic then anything after a god name available in any place, 2 - often the prophets born in areas has -Qibla- or -direction of the earth- or we define it one op center or polar of the earth such as -Babel Tower- where Abraham prophet was available and Mecca of Arabian gulf and Palestine.. and because it are centers of the earth then religion can spread quickly from it , 3- from one perspective we can say that each thing in the life has justification then it is differ and similar and deserve absolutely and optionally t the same time.. thus each place differ from another and may Palestine place in nature gather good ethical and prophets persons and Abraham prophet was search for good community for his personality in Palestine, 4- we the Palestinian interested about our cultures often but not our place because the place is can compensate such as space colonization but naturally we not lose our lands, 6- Abraham and any prophet want Palestine as additional homeland to his original homeland but not instead itو where multiple of native -homelands- is good while you doesn't forget your original or previous land, thus he come and go usually from his native homeland, 7- may these polars are parallel to the sky from a god.

According to the Tanakh after led the Israelites back to Canaan from enslavement in Egypt he received the Ten Commandments and established a(n) or society based on religion in Israel?

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Moses led the Israelites back to Canaan after they were enslaved in Egypt. He received the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai and established a society based on religion and laws in Israel, creating a foundation for the Israelites' religious and social life.

What was the text of Dan Galilee's article on archaeology and the Tanakh?

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Dan Galilee's article discusses the relationship between archaeological findings and the accounts in the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible). It examines how archaeological discoveries can provide context and sometimes corroborate the historical events described in the biblical texts. The article emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary research to gain a deeper understanding of ancient history.

Does archaeology support the Tanakh?

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Archaeology does provide some evidence that aligns with certain events and places mentioned in the Tanakh, such as the existence of ancient cities and civilizations. However, not all events described in the Tanakh have been archaeologically confirmed, and interpretations can vary. It is important to consider multiple sources of information when examining historical and religious texts.

Who were the Hebrews enslaved by?

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The Hebrews were enslaved by the Egyptians. The Egyptian people didn't necessarily enslaved the Hebrews, The Hyksos took over Egypt and then they feared that the Hebrews were to powerful so they enslaved them.

Where did Zechariah live?

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Zechariah lived in Jerusalem, which was the capital city of Israel during his time. He was a prophet who lived during the 6th century BC and was known for his prophecies about the Messiah and the restoration of Jerusalem.

What is the Ebla creation tablet and what are its implications?

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The Ebla creation tablet is an ancient Sumerian text discovered in modern-day Syria, dating back to around 2350 BCE. It describes the creation of the world and humanity by the gods. The tablet provides insights into ancient Mesopotamian beliefs about the origins of the universe and human existence.

In the Bible where will you find the story of Daniel?

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Daniel Bible Book Number 27—Daniel

Writer: Daniel

Place Written: Babylon

Writing Completed: c. 536 B.C.E.

Time Covered: 618–c. 536 B.C.E.

How old was Joshua when he took Moses' place?

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Joshua died at age 110.

He conquered the land for 7 years.

He divided the land for 7 years.

That would make him 96 years old when he took over for Moses.

However there's no clear information how long he lived after conquering and dividing the land - so he may have been younger.


Reese Chronological Bible complied by Frank R. Klassen (Bethany House Publishers, 1977) indicates that the Israelites entered the Promised Land in 1422 B.C. (Joshua 1) and that Joshua died in 1372 B.C (Joshua 24:29). If this is true, this means that Joshua was in the Promised Land for 50 years. Since Joshua 24:29 says he died at the age of 110 years, this would imply that Joshua was 60 years old when he entered the land. Also, he would have been 20 years of age at the time he gave the good report to the nation of Israel. This agrees with Numbers 11:28.