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It is all up to you. Honestly, your chances are slim just because of the lvl of the felony. But don't dwell on the minuses. This is what can get your felony lowered from my experience with getting into trouble a coulple times: 1) Don't get into anymore trouble. 2( If you were sentenced to Probation, complete it succesfully. Your Probation officer can really help you down the road in getting it reduced. 3( pay all fines and community service. Basically, you need to show the courts that you are a productive citizen again and that reducing your felony will help in gaining employment , school, or starting a career. It's never to late, whether it's been 1mnth or 2 yrs. 4( If it's your first offense you should consider getting it expunged altogether. That's even better than a reduction. Ultimately the decision to grant a reduction or an expungement is up to the judge that hears your case. Sincerity and willingness to change (college, work, etc) go a long way. They don't give these things to everyone. Make them feel that you are different. Hope that helps anyone out there. Don't give up. It's not how you fell. It's what you did once you got up!

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12y ago

Since the details of your offense are not disclosed it is impossible to give an opinion or an estimate of what action the prosecutor may take. You may be given the opportunity for a plea bargain, but it is not required that one be offered.

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14y ago

Know way of knowing. Try telling the the prosecutor you'll cop a plea. Plead guilty to the lesser offense if he reduces the felony.

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Q: Can a class f felony be lowered to a misdemeanor for a first offense?
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After the investigation is complete and he has all the facts. if the prosecutor believes that the offense has risen to the level of felony he may amend the charges to the more severe offense.

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In Tennesse, a DUI becomes a class E felony upon the fourth offense within ten years. Up until that point, it remains a misdemeanor offense.

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Yes, it is classified as a criminal offense.

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The degree of felony (or misdemeanor) is written into the statute by your state's legislators when they wrote the law. It usually (but not always) has to do with the degree of serioussness of the offense.

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