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i hope so!

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Q: Can a clear sperm cell be a baby?
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Could you be pregnant without sperm?

No you need a sperm cell just to have a baby the guy makes the baby however he wants so your answer is not right u need a sperm cell just in order to have a baby.

What cell is sperm?

the stuff that comes out of men and helps make a baby and it gose in a grils flower a sperm is a cell that makes a grotty baby

What life process is sperm cell involved in?

a sperm cell is involved in giving life and making a baby.

What is a sperm cell role?

is it a role to make a baby

Can one cell become a baby?

no. it should be 2 cells. the egg cell and the sperm cell

When a sperm and egg join they create a?

A single cell

Special function of the sperm cell?

The function of the sperm cell is to fertilize an egg cell.

How many sperm are produce every second?

A man produces about 1,500 sperm cell every second. It only takes one sperm cell to make a baby.

What is the scientific name for a sperm cell?

the stuff that comes out of men and helps make a baby and it gose in a grils flower a sperm is a cell that makes a grotty baby

How baby's sex is determined?

The babies sex is determined by the sperm. The egg has XX chromosome and each sperm cell is either a XX or XY chromosome. So which ever sperm cell reaches the egg and implants determines the sex. If the sperm was an XX chromosome the baby would be a girl, if the sperm was XY chromosome the baby will be a boy. Hope this helps!

Why Are Egg Cells Speacialised?

they are sort of the same as a sperm cell but the egg cell forms into a baby

What is the function of the human egg cell?

to get fertilized by sperm and turn into a baby