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The company absolutely can file charges. The crime would be considered theft. Depending on the amount of money, the charges could be upgraded to grand theft. You got that! The DA can be the one that deceides it needs to be filed and pushed. So even if the company wants to back down, it is out of their hands after a certain point. If it is big enough or just no remorse, or responsibility has been shown, the DA may want it bad!

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If you don't pay your bill, of course. You'll get sued and fired.

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Q: Can a company sue for using corporate card for personal use?
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What are the benefits of using a corporate credit card?

There are a number of benefits with using a corporate credit card. The company benefits from being able to monitor what their employees are spending money on and the employees get the benefit of not having to pay expenses with their own money and then having to claim it back.

What are the differences between a corporate credit card and a personal credit card?

Usually, a corporate credit card is only used for business purposes. For example, taking a client out to lunch or dinner. A personal credit card is used for personal expenses, such as buying clothing or groceries.

Can your company force you to use a corporate credit card that effects your credit?

If it is a corporate card I would imagine it is in the name of the company and not your name. If that is the case it shouldn't impact your credit.

Will you need to go through a credit check in order to get a corporate credit card from your company if the credit card is in your company's name?

That decision is up to the credit card company. If the corporation is relatively new or had no credit history, the credito card company might demand that you personally guarantee the debt and you will need to have a credit check. If you have been in business a long time, the credit card company MIGHT not require a personal credit check.

What are the requirements to obtain a corporate credit card?

The requirements to obtain a corporate credit card can vary by the company. Most of the time you must have good credit and/or be working for that corporate for a long time.

What is needed to qualify for a corporate lodging card?

To qualify for a corporate lodging card one must belong to an organization or company who has negotiated a preferred rate with hotels, motels or lodges. The organization or company will often provide a card for one to carry to validate their association with the organization or company.

Why is my corporate business credit card not working?

It could be that your business has reached its credit limit for the month. It could also be that someone using the business credit card is buying something not business related and the credit card company has stopped the card temporarily.

What is your liability of paying back a business credit card if it had a personal guaranty attached to it and the company has gone out of business?

You are completely liable. That's the point of the personal guarantee. When you agreed to that you destroyed the concept of a corporate shield and are completely liable for the debt.

What are the advantages of using a corporate card?

One advantage of a corporate card is that it provides easier access to credit for operating expenses than other methods. A corporate card can also provide a business with help tracking expenses and may have a reward program.

Can your company force you to use a corporate credit card?

Bottom line is, yes, they can force you to use their card or refuse to reimburse you. Where the company pays the bill: Most definitely. A company can require this process as it has no impact on your personal credit rating or ability to gain additional credit and has great benefit to the company in managing finances. They would have the ability to dock pay for any items not properly justified to remedy abuse. Where the employee pays the bill and is reimbursed by the company: You should read your company's travel policy and expense report process carefully. It will depend upon a number of factors. In this case, why would there even need to be a company credit card? One reason they do this is that it allows the individual to mix company and personal costs on one card, rather than trying to split bills. The following reasons apply: Company credit cards often automatically get a corporate or company discount. This means it is cheaper for the company. By using the corporate card, the company has access to all the records. In addition to validating expenses, it can help them generate the information necessary to negotiate better deals in the future. It also provides data to validate business expenses for tax purposes. Makes it much easier to consolidate data! Corporate cards often have additional benefits, such as specific levels of insurance automatically when renting vehicles. Companies often make deals with the credit card issuer to get better exchange rates for international travel.

How do I report corporate credit card fraud and get our money back?

In order to figure out how to settle corporate credit card fraud, you are going to have to look into the company's policy on such things and go based off of it.

What are other common corporate credit card policies?

Well, I would recommend applying for a business credit card if it is related to company policies. However, expect that you will need to have excellent credit scores in order for the approval rate to be higher. You are also expected to use that business credit card for purchases solely intended for the company. If you abuse it by making purchases with your company credit card for your own personal benefits or reasons, your card could be declined or ineligible for the services provided towards your company.