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No. If the firearm is in the same residence in which you live you are in "constructive possession" of it. It makes no difference where it is kept. PERIOD! No one is going to believe that you don't have access to it, especially if you are in a "relationship" with the owner of the gun, who just happens to live with you.

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Q: Can a convicted felon that is on probation live with someone that has a gun in a gun safe?
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Can someone on probation with Simple battery be in contact with a convicted felon?

When assigned a sentence of probation EVERYONE is given a set of rules and restrictions under which they must live. READ YOUR PROBATION PAPERS.

If your boyfriend is a felon and you are a not can you live with him?

Whether you can live with your boyfriend who is a felon would depend on the terms of his probation or parole, as felons may have restrictions on living with someone who has a criminal record. It's important to check with his parole officer or probation department to ensure you are not violating any rules.

If you live with a feolny and you are a feolny is this a violation of your probation?

If you are a convicted felon currently released on probation you very well could be in violation. Read your probation documents. It very likely forbids you from "consorting with known criminals," or words to that effect.

Can a convicted felon live with a person that has a handgun in Indiana?

I do not think so, most states do not permit a convicted felon to be around hand guns. Especially if they are on parole or probation, and the Parole officier can and will come to your home unannounced and if they see that or feel that may be the case, they can violate the parole.

Can convicted felon marry felon on probation?

Provided you were both in the relationship before your conditional releases, then it is possible, if you first obtain the permission of both the parole and probation officers. If this is a relationship that developed after either of you were put on supervised release, it is more likely than either or both of you could be violated and returned to incarceration for having contact with another convicted felon.

Can a person on misdemeanor probation live with a felon?

no they can not. especially if you have kids. if you have kids they can take them away from you for living with a felon

Can convicted felon live with gun in Iowa?

Nope. Get rid of it.

Can a convicted out of state Florida felon buy a gun?

No. A convicted felon is a convicted felon regardless of WHERE they go or live in the US. Note: Use caution if you're even thinking about it! The federal punishment for felon in possession of a firearm is a minimum of 15 years in federal prison.

Can a parent have custody if they live with a convicted felon and are not married to them?

It depends on the felony conviction. Especially if the felon is child predator.

Can you live in Canada if you are a convicted felon in the United States?

yes yes

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Can a convicted felon who is on probation but not parole get a United States passport?

No, since you are still on Probation, this will prohibit you from getting out of the Country so you will have a problem applying.