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A corporation can be managed and structured in a socialist (co-operative) way in a capitalist economy. But it cannot be run in a socialist way (produce goods and services for use) in a capitalist economy, otherwise it would not survive in the market.

A corporation can be organized as a co-operative, with workers collectively owning the corporation, with internal democracy. But that is the limit to how socialist it can become. It will not be able to operate as a full socialist organization as long as it exists in a capitalist economy.

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No, as an island of Socialism within capitalism is not possible. Socialism means no wages, no prices, no profits.

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Q: Can a corporation be run in a socialist way even in a capitalist country?
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What country does not practice a form of socialism?

You name it, and it's probably not socialist. Even those countries that call themselves socialist are mostly capitalist now.

Can a corporation be socialist?

A corporation can restructure itself internally to resemble a socialist enterprise. This would include granting more autonomy and self-management for employees, creating a more inclusive and democratic way of making decisions and allowing others to share their ideas, and can even include granting employee ownership through stock ownership plans. Another way a corporation can be socialist internally is if it coordinates its activities through a form of planning and allocates its resources in terms of physical units as opposed to having employees and departments trade resources in a market-like way. A number of innovative corporations have realized that socialist methods of management are more effective than traditional capitalist management because it gives greater motivation to the workers and a more equal environment allows for more innovation. The Mondragon Cooperative Corporation in Spain is an excellent example of a highly socialistic corporation. In the United States, the video game company Valve has a socialist model of management.

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I've never heard anyone say that. Look, no economy is 100% capitalist or socialist. They're all SOME level of Mixed Economy. The USSR had money and there was some capitalism happening, and not just in the black market. Even market purist Singapore has aspects of the economy that are run by the government. When we say a country is capitalist or socialist, we therefore generally mean they are MOSTLY one or the other. The US economy is MOSTLY a market economy. Most industries are heavily regulated, but are mostly free to make decisions on their own in accordance with the self interest and property rights. The same is true of pretty much all of Western Europe despite the fact that politicians often like to accuse them of being socialist...either as praise or criticism.

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People who say that kind of thing wouldn't recognize socialism if they found it swimming in their soup. More to the point, there are degrees of various political stances. There are no pure (or even mostly) Socialist countries in the world, any more than there are no pure (or mostly) Capitalist countries. In addition, Socialism isn't the opposite of Capitalism. So a move towards Socialism doesn't necessarily mean less Capitalism. In other regards, Yes, the Democratic Party tends to espouse and push for more Socialist ideas than does the Republican Party. However, both parties support various programs that can easily be labeled as "Socialist". Labeling major political parties and even most people as "Socialist", "Capitalist", "Communist", etc. is simplistic, and generally indicates a lack of intellectual depth or a political motive separate from actual truth-seeking.

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What one wants to mean by 'capitalist country'? Every country has its one capital (GDP, GNP)...even North Korea! Bulgaria is a member of the European Union. It has a democratic government chosen by direct votes of its population. Its press is free. It has a market oriented economy. It has its own civil societies. It trades with all. (in the past it was a socialist country, one party system- ruled by the Communist party).

How has economics evolved over time?

Economics has evolved over time in that there are different currencies, rules, goods and incentives involved. Different countries have seen their economies change from socialist to capitalist, (see China) and even the other way around (see Venezuela).

Was Soviet Russian a socialist country?

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How do you believe the election of Barack Obama will change the culture?

We'll be screwed, most likely we'll end up being a semi-socialist country. Also seeing as he's against the border we'll have even more illegals here. We'll be screwed, most likely we'll end up being a semi-socialist country. Also seeing as he's against the border we'll have even more illegals here.

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