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Q: Can a council claim rent back after six years?
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what is the law in putnam county ny regarding back rent on illegal apt.?

As in all of NewYork rent/back or not is owed and determined by the lease- if there is no proof that the rent was paid and there is a lease- then the back rent is owed. However the tennet is entitled to rights as well and if taken to small claims court can counter claim with reasons for not paying back rent becaues of living conditons, lease violations etc.

What is the statute of limitations for collecting back rent in Massachusetts?

6 years

What can one get from the website Rent Back?

This website allows students to rent their textbooks out to other students instead of selling them. They claim that you could make from two to four times as much money.

How do you confirm to the council that the tenant is rent form you?


Can you claim HRA if you get rent reimbursement from company?

No you cannot. You need to be paying your house rent from your pocket if you want to claim HRA tax benefits

Can someone claim loss rent for a property that was sold?

Yes, if the rent arrearage was incurred before the sale.

In the state of new york can you claim rent paid on your income tax return?

no, unless it is for business related rent

What kind of judement do you get from a landlord for back rent?

Your landlord can evict you and sue for back rent.

Can students claim rent?

NO. Rent or living expenses for a student would NOT be deductible on the federal 1040 income tax return.

How far back can you go to collect rent that is owed to you?

Generally he can go back as far as you owe the rent. But a landlord can only evict you for not paying the rent, not for money that you owe for back rent. If your landlord accepts your money for the correct amount of rent, he cannot evict you for the back amount, but he can sue you for that.

Do you claim rent on income taxes?

Residential rent is not deductible. You can deduct any rent used for business purposes such as office rental, equipment rental, vehicle rental, etc.