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Q: Can a cow eat a person?
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Could a cow eat a person?


Can a cow eat another cow?


Hindus believed is sacred?

Hindus believe that the cow is sacred in their religion. However, ancient Hindus did eat cow but sence Hinduism was not formed by one person, it slowly developed that the cow is sacred.

Do Hindus believe is sacred?

Hindus believe that the cow is sacred in their religion. However, ancient Hindus did eat cow but sence Hinduism was not formed by one person, it slowly developed that the cow is sacred.

What would an organic cow eat?

There's no such thing as an "organic cow." A cow is a cow, regardless. She will eat what "normal" cows eat, which is defined in the related question posted below.

Does a cow eat a cow paddy?

No, never. Cow paddies are cow feces.

Will a cow eat meat?

No, a cow will not eat meat, although there will be some curious cow that would probably try it, cows do not and will not eat meat.

How eat cow pat?

You don't, it's disgusting if you eat a cow pat!

What is the meaning of expression eat a whole cow?

It means that the person is extremely hungry and could eat just about any serving size put in front of them. It actually has nothing to do with the cow itself, just the size.

Can a cow eat an elephant?

No, a cow eats grass.

What would you eat if you had cow in colony times?

The cow.

Does a vulture eat a cow?

Only if the cow is dead. Vultures don't usually swoop down upon an alive cow and eat it.