

Can a cow eat its own tail?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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No, because a cow couldn't reach that area.

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Q: Can a cow eat its own tail?
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It doesn't. Cows get their own energy from what they eat, not from each other.

How many vertebrae are in a cow's tail?

A cow has from 18 - 20 caudal (tail) vertebrae

Do cow's eat their own poop?

Having lived on a dairy for a period of time, I've never seen a cow eat its own poop (aka: cow pie). So no, I don't believe cows eat their own poop.

What is veal tail?

Veal is another word for meat that comes from a young cow. So a veal tail is a meat from the tail of a young cow.

What has a tail?

A cow really

What part of the Cow does Ox tail come from?

The tail, did you really need this confirmation?

What is the end of a cow's tail?

The switch.

What animal has an ox tail?

Oxtail is the tail of cattle. It used to only refer to the tail of an ox (aka a castrated male) but now it refers to the tail cattle in general.

Can a cow live without a tail?

Yes. There is actually a genetic abnormality where a cow can be born without a tail. The condition is not fatal, but it just makes it harder for the cow to be able to swat flies away from its backside.

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The one they are feeding is most likely the offspring(baby) of the bird. This is the way baby birds eat when they are little and it takes a while for them to learn to eat on their own.

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What would an organic cow eat?

There's no such thing as an "organic cow." A cow is a cow, regardless. She will eat what "normal" cows eat, which is defined in the related question posted below.