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No. They know when to stop eating, since they have to stop to ruminate and rest for a little while, giving them time to empty the rumen enough to have the urge to start eating again.

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Q: Can a cow eat too much food?
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What are the factor to be consider on how much food should you eat?

Well, the factor that determines how much food you should eat is when you sit down to eat a plate of food you should stop when you feel you are full. However, if you eat too fast and too much you will regret it!!

Can food make you sick?

If eat too much food then yes

What happens if you eat too much dietry fiber?

you will turn into a cow and your guts will all explode into small pieces, leaving yourself with a cow with no guts

How much hay will a cow eat in a lifetime?

There are far too many unknown variables to be able to answer this question.

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What will happen if you eat too much fried food?

You get fat

What kind of snake can eat a cow in one gulp?

None. The cow is too big. Boas, and anacondas will eat a pig and other small animals, but not a cow.

What is overfeeding?

Giving something too much to eat, typically an animal. Having too much food is not good for it.

What happens if you eat too much microwaved food?

You die :P

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because they eat too much junk food

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If Yuu Eat Too Much Yuu Get FAT

How does food affect your life?

eat too much it will make u fat; too much sweet food your sugar goes high; too much spice your blood pressure goes high