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Q: Can a custodial parent refuse visitation if the father is threatening not to return children after visitation?
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Does the custodial mother has the rights to go with child on non-custodial father visitation that ordered by the court?

no, that's custodial interference

Who has legal custody of minor children when parents never married in Utah?

In cases where the parents of minor children are unmarried the mother generally retainssole custodial rights until the father files a custodial suit. However, this does not mean the mother of the minor children can arbitrarily deny the father's rights of visitation.

Can custodial mother keep a child away from non-custodial father and denied him visitation that was a court ordered?

no see links

Can you move out of state Oklahoma with your children where you are the sole custodial parent but the father has visitation rights and there was not a marriage?

You will need his and the courts consent since there are court orders that can not be broken.

Does a non custodial father have the right to refuse visitation?

Yes, he does. If brought to the court's attention he may lose his visitation rights altogether.

Can an unmarried father with only visitation stop the married mother from leaving the state?

When a visitation order is in affect the non custodial parent has the right to request the court to prevent the custodial parent from moving from the state of residence. The issue of marriage is not relevant if the male has been legally certified as being the biological father. The court issuing the visitation order has jurisdiction in such matters and the ruling of whether or not to allow the custodial parent to move is based on the best interest of the children involved. Generally the court will not prevent such a move if it relates to a job transfer, remarriage and so forth, but will amend the visitation schedule, sometimes making the custodial parent bear the responsibility of transportation arrangements when visitation is mandated.

Non custodial parent is an OTR driver and wants his new spouse to exercise his visitation rights do I have to let the children go with the new spouse?

You can go back to court and request that the visitation order be modified to better suit the situation and allow the children time with their father.

What if father isn't listed on birth certificate but mother wants child support but no visitation rights?

Once paternity is established, the non-custodial parent has the right to request visitation, just as the custodial parent has the right to request support.

What happens if the father does not return children to their mother who lives out of state pursuant to a court order?

Neither the court nor the father can force the non-custodial parent to take advantage of their visitation rights. The custodial parent can return to court to request a modification of the existing visitation order if the parent continues to violate it. It's not fair to the child to continue to be prepared for a visitation that doesn't take place.Neither the court nor the father can force the non-custodial parent to take advantage of their visitation rights. The custodial parent can return to court to request a modification of the existing visitation order if the parent continues to violate it. It's not fair to the child to continue to be prepared for a visitation that doesn't take place.Neither the court nor the father can force the non-custodial parent to take advantage of their visitation rights. The custodial parent can return to court to request a modification of the existing visitation order if the parent continues to violate it. It's not fair to the child to continue to be prepared for a visitation that doesn't take place.Neither the court nor the father can force the non-custodial parent to take advantage of their visitation rights. The custodial parent can return to court to request a modification of the existing visitation order if the parent continues to violate it. It's not fair to the child to continue to be prepared for a visitation that doesn't take place.

Can a father who has no contact since birth pays no support and not on birth certificate he is abusive has been arrested 28 times for domestic violence and drugs get rights to visit their children?

In a situation such as this, the custodial parent should oppose visitation or, if that fails, ask for supervised visitation.

How can you allow visitation by the biological father with his child who has been adopted by the spouse of the child's biological mother?

There are no laws that would prevent the child from vistation with her biological father as long as her custodial parents agree. The biological father has no legal grounds to seek vistation or custody if the adoption were done according to the laws of the state in which it occurred. Visitation must be voluntarily agreed to by the custodial parents and the child under the terms that they establish. The visitation rights can also be withdrawn by the custodial parent(s) if and whenever they so choose. It would be in the best interest of those involved for the custodial parents to establish guidelines (boundaries) before visitation is allowed.

Can the father just take the child if he is refused visitation?

The child should not be placed in the middle of such an adversarial situation. The father should visit the family court as soon as possible and file a motion for contempt of a court order. If the custodial parent continues to deny visitation they could lose custody.If the father does not have a court order for visitation then he should petition the family court for a visitation schedule.The child should not be placed in the middle of such an adversarial situation. The father should visit the family court as soon as possible and file a motion for contempt of a court order. If the custodial parent continues to deny visitation they could lose custody.If the father does not have a court order for visitation then he should petition the family court for a visitation schedule.The child should not be placed in the middle of such an adversarial situation. The father should visit the family court as soon as possible and file a motion for contempt of a court order. If the custodial parent continues to deny visitation they could lose custody.If the father does not have a court order for visitation then he should petition the family court for a visitation schedule.The child should not be placed in the middle of such an adversarial situation. The father should visit the family court as soon as possible and file a motion for contempt of a court order. If the custodial parent continues to deny visitation they could lose custody.If the father does not have a court order for visitation then he should petition the family court for a visitation schedule.