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A dental hygienist will keep your teeth and gums healthy to prevent possible infections. They also provide composite filling for your teeth when required.

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Q: Can a dentist repair a composite filling?
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What does the dentist do to you when you have to get your teeth drilled?

They will give you anesthetics, like a shot. That will make it so you don't feel anything. Then, they will drill the decay out of the tooth/teeth, then fill it with a amalgam or composite filling. Composite is tooth colored, amalgam is the typical silver looking filling.

How do dentists repair tooth decay?

the dentist removes the decayed portion of the tooth using a high-speed drill or an air abrasion system, shapes the cavity walls, and replaces the tooth structure with a filling of silver amalgam, composite resin, or gold.

What does the filling from the dentist come from?

It depends on the type of filling used. The old silver fillings are amalgam. They're a mercury, silver, copper, and tin mixture. The second, Composite fillings, are a synthetic resin created in a lab by scientists.

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Why did the pie go the dentist?

To get a filling!!

What is a hinky pinky for a dentist's practice?

drilling filling

Why did Oreo go to the dentist?

Because he lost his filling

Do dentists drill teeth on the first filling?

dentist do drill teeth on the first filling to get rid of it.

What does a dentist might put one of these in a tooth which has a hole?

a filling, i think

What is the least expensive way to repair a front tooth that broke?

The cheapest way to repair a tooth is with a white filling or composite. That is if there is enough tooth sturcture to hold on too. But that is not the most solid treatment. A better way to repair a tooth is to get a root canal, post and crown.

What is the difference between a dental resin filling and a dental composite filling?

In the strictest sense of the term, Dental Resin fillings will refer solely to the methacrylate component of the filling material (eg. Bis Phenol GMA). However, it is rare to see an entire filling composed entirely of the unfilled resin material. In practical terms, almost all resin fillings are in fact composite fillings (sometimes called composite resin or resin composite fillings). These fillings are composed of filler particles to provide color, fluoresence, and wear resistance suspended in a resin matrix. Hence, from a technical view point, resin fillings will be composed of only resin (normally methacrylate or similar), while a composite filling will be composite of filler particles, suspended in a resin matrix. In practical terms, there will really be no difference. When your doctor places a resin filling, or composite filling, you will be getting a composite resin filling.

What is the job description for a dentist?

fixing peoples teeth by filling them and straightening them