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well a divorce decree means that you are not together anymore. it all depends on the country if you are still unsure do some research and do some more discussion.

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Q: Can a divorce decree legally keep you from living with someone of the opposite sex in a common law state like Oklahoma?
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Is Adultery illegal in Oklahoma?

Adultery in the state of Oklahoma is unlawful sexual intercourse with someone of the opposite sex while you are married. This is grounds for divorce in Oklahoma.

If someone forged your signature on your divorce decree is that divorce legally binding?

No, it isn't, and leaves you with a range of options to follow.

How do you know if someone has legally filed for divorce?

online you can look up public records for your specific county (provided they are online).

If someone is still legally married but separated is he single?

Think about the question you just asked. If you are still legally married - then you are still legally married. You can not be single and married at the same time. Separation is not divorce. In order to be single, you must get a divorce. ---- And, even if divorced, you're not single. You're either a Divorcee (female) or a Grass Widower (male).

What if you have followed all the procedures to get a divorce from the estranged other can you still get married to someone else?

No. You must be completely and totally legally divorced, first.

Do you need divorce to dissolve a fake marriage?

If the marriage is not done by someone legal such as a minister; pastor or justice of the peace and the person who married the two of you does not have a license to do so then you are not legally married and so no divorce is necessary.

Can you have sexual relations after divorce papers have been filed in Tennessee?

Have sex with WHO? Your spouse - yes, of course - you're still legally married. With someone else - at your risk - you are still legally married and could be charged with adultery. Also, you run the risk of having this produced during your divorce proceedings.

Can a person who is still married in Oklahoma but in the process of a divorce but it is not legal or finalized no judge signature they get married to someone else in another state AR and be legal?

Before someone can get married again they must have a finalized divorce decree from the first marriage. Without that the second marriage is not valid.

Can a married person remarry again as they say they are a pultonic love?

If you are married to someone you cannot marry another without having had an annulment or divorce legally.

The word decree in a sentence?

A decree is something given to someone that is legally an official order. A good sentence would be, the divorce decree was finally filed and finalized.

Is it adultery if you sleep with someone else while legally separated?

Legally separated generally means you are still legally married but living apart. In the eyes of the law, adultery can still occur during a legal separation because the marriage is still legally recognized. It is advisable to check the specific laws in your jurisdiction.

if your are legally separated can you date someone without your spouse getting you for adultury?

If you are legally separated, you are free to see other people. South Carolina divorce does use adultery as one of the grounds options, but dating while you are separated is not adultery.