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Why on Earth would you give any living thing, let alone a dog, sugar when it has a sore throat?

Sugar is an irritant, it will make the throat worse in humans and animals alike. Sugar also provides food and energy to bacteria, which may be causing the throat issues (and will therefore be getting worse because you are feeding the bacteria).

Aside from that, a dog should never, ever, under any circumstances at all, eat sugary food. Sugar is not natural to carnivores like dogs. The reason humans eat sugar is because we are omnivores. Dogs also don't brush their teeth (though they SHOULD be getting dog dental chews on occasion), so sugar will rot their teeth.

Your answer is no. Not to a dog, not to a human and not to any living thing. Sugar worsens the condition. Take the dog to a vet, it may need antibiotics (especially if you've just been feeding the bacteria).

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Q: Can a dog eat sugar when its throat is hurting?
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