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Yes. It can spread through feces. If you're dog likes to play in the litter box, he could get the feces on his/her paws, and then lick them.

BAM! your dog has hookworm.

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Yes a dog can get a hookworm from another dog!

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Q: Can a dog get hookworm from another dog?
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How do hookworm larvae cause an itch?

Itching also may be caused when any of the family of hookworm larvae penetrate the skin. This includes swimmer's itch and creeping eruption caused by cat or dog hookworm, and ground itch caused by the "true" hookworm.

What do you do for your dog when the Veterinarian has determined it has Lyme Disease and Hookworm?

Follow the advice of the vet that determined the diseases.

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What kind of parasite hookworm?

Hookworm is endoparasites. From: Micol Colico :)

What is the host of the hookworm?

The hookworm is not an intermediate host, but the hookworm larvae is.An intermediate host would be like the flea carrying infected larvae for tapeworms. The infected flea would be the intermediate or secondary host because it shelters the parasite or worm larvae for a short time. In any intermediate host, "some" developmental stage is completed.In hookworms, the intermediate host comes into play as one of five routes by which puppies and adult dogs can acquire hookworm infection.Migration through the placenta while the puppies are in the uterus.Puppies can feed on larvae through their mothers' milk.Puppies and adult dogs can feed on hookworm larvae in the soil.The larvae can directly penetrate a dog's skin, such as the pads of their feet when they are walking in a dirty pen or kennel where an infected dog has toileted.The puppies or adult dogs can obtain hookworm by eating an intermediate host in the soil or through grooming, which would be the hookworm larvae.Dogs who recover from hookworm infection usually become carriers through larvae encysted in the dogs' tissues. If the dog becomes ill or is placed under serious stress, the dormant larvae are released and the worms appear in the intestines, causing bloody diarrhea.

How do you use the word hookworm in a sentence?

The doctor administered a hookworm prevention shot.

Can dog worms tapeworm hookworm heartworms etc pass onto human If so how like if a dog licks you and it has worms will you get worms?

Yes, you can catch worms from contact with dog and cat feces (children playing in sandpits getting eggs on their fingers), so children should be taught to wash their hands before eating. Roundworm eggs and Hookworm eggs (Hookworm is found only in tropical and subtropical areas) are the most common. Tapeworm is also possible. Hookworm larva can also be caught be sitting with bare legs in an infected area or walking through with bare feet. The larva can burrow through the skin. You can also catch ringworm from dogs, cats and humans. Ringworm is NOT a worm, it is a fungus, a skin disease.

Is hookworm parasite?

Yes, a hookworm is a parasite that sucks blood via the tissue of an intestine it infects.

Which phylum of worms has a false coelom and a complete digestive tract?


Can you get hookworm from your cat?

Humans generally do not get hookworm from their cat or dog. If the cat vomits or excretes worms and this is cleaned up immediately, it poses no risk to humans. The cat should see a vet for treatment. *If you have young children, it can be possible for the child to ingest a hookworm egg from the cat's feces or vomit. But that would mean the child has touched the vomit or feces and then put the child put their fingers into the child's mouth.

Is hookworm endoparasites?


What is the phylum of the hookworm?
