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Q: Can a dog get pink eye from a human-and-do-they-need-the-same-eye-drops?
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Can a dog get pink eye?


What do you do if your dog has pink eye?

Take your dog to the veternarian.

What can you use if your dog has pink eye?

See your veterinarian.

Can dog pink eye be treated with vigamox?

Yes i currently have pink eye and after te forst 3 drops your redness will be a very light shade of pink and will be better by the bext morning

Can humans get pink eye from a dog licking its butt then your eye?

This would depend on the cause. If both the dog and human are allergic to a particular pollen or mold and were both exposed, they could both develop "pink eye" even though one did not give it to the other. If the dog has bacterial pink eye, it is possible for the bacteria to be transferred to a human and cause pink eye in that person as well. However, if the cause is viral, traumatic, foreign body or cancer, humans would not be at risk for zoonotic infection from the dog.

What should you do if a dog has pink eye?

You should take your dog to a veterinarian for an examination. "Pink eye" is the lay term for conjunctivitis - inflammation of the membranes over the sclera (white part of the eye). This can be caused by infection, trauma, foreign body, cancer or infestation, and treatment is based upon the underlying cause. If it is not treated by a veterinarian, you risk the dog going blind in that eye, as well as suffering a great deal of pain.

Can you use bacitracin in a dogs eye?

I did when my dog got pink-eye. I used the same ointment I had for it, and itworked fine.NO! If your dog has an eye problem, see a veterinarian and have it properly diagnosed and treated.

Does Tobramycin 0.3 Eye Drop get rid of pink eye?

yes, I have used it for pink eye and it worked. It only works for pink eye caused by bacteria though. It does not treat viral pink eye.

Can humans get pink eye from a dog?

Yes, if the human has a bacterial infection, it is possible for that infection to be transferred to the dog. I will point out, however, that this is rather rare.

How to deal with pink eye?

get pink eye drops

Can I use human eye drops on my dog to fight pink eye?

You need to ask your vet. Some human medicines cannot be used on dogs.

How do you prevent my dog from my pink eye?

You prevent the spread of infection by keeping your hands clean, keep your face away from his face and don't put your hands on his face while you still have any symptoms. You could also call the vet to see if it is possible to spread pink eye to a dog.