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Q: Can a dog have intercourse with a woman?
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Is it normal for a 6 month dog penis not to go down after he has had intercourse?

It depends on how long he had his intercourse, and how long he had the boner for after the intercourse.

Can a man know after intercourse if the lady has conceived?

If you mean immediately after intercourse then no, neither can the woman.

How many days later a woman vomits after having intercourse?

A woman only has morning sickness if pregnant, otherwise, intercourse will not make you nauseous.

Who said 'I did not have sexual intercourse with that woman'?


Elijah McCoy's Education?

he had intercourse with woman

Can you tell if a dog is gay?

Have sexual intercourse with the dog. If it howls at the climax, its gay.

How does a woman know when she reaches her climax stage during intercourse?

A woman reaching her climax during intercourse varies for each person. Most women feel an increase of tension during intercourse and a climax releases that tension.

Do girls hips broaden after intercourse?

Yes they do After intercourse, a woman's hips widen to prepare for child birth

If a woman has intercourse with a man how many days after does she become pregnant?

it starts almost instantly after intercourse is over

What happens during sexual intercauses?

During sexual intercourse between a man and a woman, the man places his penis inside the woman's vagina. This is known as vaginal intercourse. Sexual intercourse could refer to any type of sexual activity in which one partner penetrates another. Other "types" of sexual intercourse include anal intercourse and oral intercourse.

Is it safe to have intercourse with a woman while she's menstruating?


How does the dog reproduce?

the dog mates just like any animal would