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Q: Can a dog run faster than a house cat?
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Can a cat meow faster than a dog can bark?

No dogs bark faster

What would you use to determine which runs faster-adog or a cat?

A dog and a cat. Let the dog chase the cat, if the cat gets caught, the dog is faster ;^)

How do you make cat on Doodle God?

There are no cats in doodle god.

How does a dog or cat catch a fly better than we can swat them?

because a dog has way faster reflexes than any human

Is a tiger faster than a wolf?

Over short distances, the average cat is faster than the average dog. Over long distances, the dog will usually win. This traces back to the hunting habits of their wild ancestors. Wolves hunt in packs by running their prey down; wild cats hunt alone by pouncing upon their prey.

Which is faster a cat or a dog?

CatIt depends on what breed of dog, but most cats run faster. The average speed for a dog is 19mph, with dogs in the Greyhound family reaching 40 - 45mph. Most cats can reach 30mph while running.A cat is fasterA dog should run faster but it depends on what breedDepends on the breed and size of the dog and of the cat. Normally, dogs run faster, but the cats can easily climb a tree, wall, and escape. For short distance, cats are faster than dogs.Most dogs can outrun a cat but cats are more agile and can usually get away.

What do you call a cat's house?

a cat house just like you say dog house

Is this grammar correct our oldest cat is more quicker than the our youngest dog?

Our oldest cat is faster than our youngest dog **** "Quicker" is OK too, but leave out the "more." "Quicker" means "more quick."

Is a ostrich faster than a dog?

It probably depends what kind of dog it is, but i think an ostrich is faster than a dog.

How do you make a cat in Doodle God?

beast + house = cat and dog :)

Can a dog die faster than a cat?

It is truly disturbing that you ask this question. My advice is to retain the services of a good psychologist and psychiatrist.

How can one use a cat lamp in a dog decor house?

You may use a cat lamp in a dog decor house by putting it out as a joke, such as something which would show the dog guarding the cat lamp or looking like he was waiting to trap the cat.