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No; it is not possible.

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Q: Can a dog transmit an STD to a human orally?
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Can a dog transmit STDs orally?

yes it can lick lick

Can you get an STD from a dog bite or scratch?

There is only one way to get a venereal disease and it isn't from dog bites or scratches. VD is only contracted from human to human

Can you transmit ringworm to your dog?

yes and your dog can transmit it to you aswell

How easy is it for dogs to transmit a cold to another dog?

Yes, as easy as it is for one human to transfer a common cold to another human. Our immune systems are similar.

Can a dog transmit HIV to another dog?

No. Humans are the only hosts for HIV.

Can one dog with edema transmit it to another dog?

yes actually they can transmit Endema to another dog 2nd Answer: NO they cannot. Edema is a swelling in the flesh caused by injuries or diseases. It cannot be passed on.

Will giving ivomect orally to 75lb dog hurt them in any way?

Giving Ivomect to a 75 pound dog needs to be done through a shot. This is a medication for heartworms and it could hurt them if they are given the medication orally.

Can you get rabies when a dog licks your recently closed wound?

No, rabies can only be transmitted by the exchange of critical bodily fluids, such as an infected dog's saliva mixing with human blood after a bite. Licking will not transmit the disease unless the dog licks a wound you may have.

How do you give dog medication orally?

You do not give dogs human medicine you have to ask a vet first especially vicodin.

Is Goofy a dog or human?


1 Write a program to find the length of a string c plus plus?

#include<iostream> #include<string> int main() { std::string s("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"); std::cout<<s.c_str()<<std::endl; std::cout<<"The previous string is "<<s.size()<<" characters long."<<std::endl; }

Can you give an example of a basic program that stores and retrieves data in a file in C plus plus?

#include <iostream> #include <fstream> int main() { std::fstream f("myfile.txt", std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc); if (!f.bad()) { // write to file f << "The brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" << std::endl; f.close(); // read from file"myfile.txt", std::ios::in); std::cout << f.rdbuf(); f.close(); } }