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yes dolphins can stay under water much, much longer than humans can


lol yeah about 3 hours longer

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Q: Can a dolphin stay underwater longer than a human?
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Why can salmon stay underwater all the time but a dolphin cannot?

Salmon stay underwater all the time because salmon is a kind of fish which has gills for breathing while dolphin is a mammal.

What are the adaptive features of dolphin?

The dolphin has some important adaptations. A dolphin has live births so it doesn't have to stay with eggs, it has lungs but can also swim for a while underwater.

How do manatees stay under water longer than any other mammal?

They don't stay underwater longer than whales.

What special adaptations do manatees have that allow them to stay underwater longer than the average land-dwelling mammal?

Manatees are not land-dwelling, they are water-dwelling mammals therefore their lungs are bigger so they can stay underwater longer.

How long has human stayed underwater?

Without breathing, the world record is 22min With air bottles (scuba diver) or in a submarine you can of course stay longer. In a submarine when you have enough supplies, you can stay virtually forever under water.

Can humans stay underwater longer than 10 minutes?

People have done it before, but it is very unlikely for the average human to stay under water for over 3-4 minutes without receiving severe brain damage or dying.

How long can a human stay underwater with a snorkel tube?

not verylong because the water will start to enter the snorkel. LOL

How long can painted turtles stay underwater?

Paint does not affect how long the turtle can stay underwater..

How long can a dolphin stay under water for?

18 minutes ... Dolphins can't breathe underwater because they are mammals. They go to the surface to breathe and then hold their breath while underwater...Dolphins are conscious breathers, which means they have to think about every time they want to take a breath. They respire through a nasal opening called the blowhole, which is located on the top of their head. When resting, their blowhole remains tightly shut. They are able to hold their breath for an average of 4-5 minutes and a maximum of about 10 minutes. Dolphins are efficient breathers. They are able to exchange 80% of the air in their lungs with each breath, while humans are only capable of exchanging 17%.No mammals can breathe underwater at all. All mammals, including sea mammals, must breathe above the surface of the water. This is why marine mammals such as dolphins and whales frequently come to the surface.

How long can a pangin stay underwater?

A penguin can stay underwater for about 15 minutes and can go to a depth of 1700 feet.

Do shark stay under water for longer than 0 min?

Yes. Sharks LIVE underwater, and will die quite soon if taken into air.

Why does a platypus's heart rate must slow down so it can stay underwater for long periods of time?

so it has a longer time of having air