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Yes. That is exactly what we use today. Most engines are powered by an exothermic reaction between gasoline or a similar fuel with oxygen.

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Q: Can a exothermic reaction be used to fire an engine?
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endothermic but don't know why? As AN crystals are formed the reaction is exothermic. Endothermic when it melts back with water. This is the reason AN is used in cold packs.

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Exothermic reaction gives free heat (energy).

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Any chemical reaction that releases energy is called an exothermic action. The equations for an exothermic reaction between substance A and substance B would be: A + B --> AB + Heat The heat represents the energy and we can tell it is being released because it is on the product side of the equation. The reverse reaction would be endothermic, meaning it requires energy, heat would be on the reactant side and the equation would be: AB + Heat --> A + B To sum things up, an exothermic reaction releases energy and heat will be on the product side of the equation. An endothermic reaction requires energy and heat will be on the reactant side of the equation.

Why is sodium not used for cutlery?

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