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Q: Can a family member switch a child's school without a parent consent?
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What to do when a family member changes the will of an alzheimer patient without family consent?

A family member cannot change a person's will, nor does anyone need to consent. Only a person can change their own will. If the person changes their will, and family believes that they were not of sound mind at the time, they can challenge that will when it is read.

If a dad hits his daughter can that daughter legally move in with another family member without parents consent in CA?


What if you want to live with your friend instead of a family member?

You have to be 18 to move without parental consent. And I see you added this to Human rights. Moving without parental consent as a minor is not a human right.

Can you move in with a family member at age 14?

Only with the consent of your legal guardian.

What is the Age for consent to live with other family member with parents consent in the state of Texas?

There are no restrictions. If the parents consent a minor can live anywhere. There are no restrictions about age.

Does a 15 year old have the right to live with another family member?

With your parents consent you can!

If a sixteen year old does not like living at her home and thinks she is better off at family members home can she move out and go with her family member without parent consent in the state of Texas?

I dont think so.... sorry =[

Can you move out without parental consent at the age of 16 in Ohio?

At the age of sixteen in Ohio, a child can move out of the house and into a family member's home only with the permission of the parents. The parents are still responsible for the child until they are eighteen and may have to pay child support to the other family member.

How can care workers gain consent if client not able to express themselves?

If the client themselves is incapable of giving their informed consent, a care-worker should secure the consent of an appropriate adult (preferably a member of the client's family).

May you move out of your parents house at 17 with another family member?

Only with parental consent. You are a minor until 18.

How can you tell that a certain family member is coming without seeing them?


my fam. member was in the hospital and I am POA and they did surgery, non emergency without my consent or contacting me. fam member signed but has alzeimers, Can I sue ?

This matter would be best answered by an attorney.