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As long as you and your ex agree to sign joint costudy petition, there should not an issue. However, be ready to take some heat from the judge as well as start making solid child support payment. And, stay in touch with your kid.

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Q: Can a father get joint custody if he has paid no support or communication in 3 years?
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Im the father and you live in IL The mother lives in TX your son lives with you If you have joint custody but you have residential custody can you the father still get child support?


Can a mother who has joint physical custody of her son pierce his ears without the consent of the father?

If the father has legal custody, no. Not without his consent. If she has joint legal custody, no. Not without his consent. If she has sole legal custody, yes.If the father has legal custody, no. Not without his consent. If she has joint legal custody, no. Not without his consent. If she has sole legal custody, yes.If the father has legal custody, no. Not without his consent. If she has joint legal custody, no. Not without his consent. If she has sole legal custody, yes.If the father has legal custody, no. Not without his consent. If she has joint legal custody, no. Not without his consent. If she has sole legal custody, yes.

May the father of the child waive child support arrears if they both have joint custody but father has physical custody and mother has child for summer and holidays?

No. If there's a court order against the father, which resulted in any kind of arrears, the father is still responsible for it. Arrears are paid and there's no statute of limitations on it, as well as, any support and/or custody modifications.

Joint custody the mother told the father in court that he does not have to pay child support because she has moved a long distance from the father the is this legal?

Only if approved by the judge.

Can a father with joint legal custody say he does not want his children around the paramour?

As the father has joint legal custody of the child he can not say he does not want the child at the paramour.

Does a father have to pay child support if he has joint legal custody and the child is on medicaid provided by the mother in the state of Indiana?

Yessee link

Father has sole custody how do I get joint custody back?

By filing for custody modification in the court with jurisdiction, then prove to the court why it would be in the best interests of your child to award joint custody.

Can a father just take a baby from the mother if they were never married without establishing custody first in Missouri?

No. The unmarried mother has sole custody until the father has established his paternity legally, in court and then requested (and obtained) joint custody and visitations.No. The unmarried mother has sole custody until the father has established his paternity legally, in court and then requested (and obtained) joint custody and visitations.No. The unmarried mother has sole custody until the father has established his paternity legally, in court and then requested (and obtained) joint custody and visitations.No. The unmarried mother has sole custody until the father has established his paternity legally, in court and then requested (and obtained) joint custody and visitations.

Can a father get joint custody after the divorce is final and the ex-wife has full custody?

He has every right to go back to court to petition for joint custody, yes.

If the mother and father are not married and he is not on the birth certificate can he get joint physical custody?

The father's paternity must be established legally, usually through a DNA test. Once established as the father he can request joint custody and a visitation schedule. A child support order will also be established. He should visit the family court for more information.

Can a father get joint custody for a child if he is separated?

Yes, if the court feels it would be in the best interests of the child to award joint custody.

Can the father of your child with joint custody take your son out of state for vacation?

Yes if the father has joint custody he may leave the state with the child for a short period for purposes of a vacation.