

Can a female and a male gerbil live in the same cage?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Placing a female or male gerbil if they are not familiar (Family. prior cage mates) could be fatal in other words gerbils are territorial unless they are familiar. But a familiar male and female can be placed in the same cage but no matter if they are family or not and odds are they are they will mate and have pup's.

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Q: Can a female and a male gerbil live in the same cage?
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How do you prevent a male gerbil and a female gerbil from having babies if they live in the same cage?

Sorry but you can't. A male and a female gerbil will have dozens of babies every month or so. Sorry again,Daniel Merry

How do you introduce a baby male gerbil to an adult female gerbil?

Like if you intruduce a baby gerbil to a female and a male gerbil they might be nice to him but the male gerbil might play fight or fight in the cage i do not think if you leave the baby gerbil in the same cage with the male gerbil or a female gerbil the female gerbil migt fight or play fight with the baby gerbil if u do please be real care full because if the male gerbil no that the babby gerbil if its a baby girl gerbil yhey will mate or if u do the same with the adult female gerbil they mate to with a baby boy gerbil or adult gerbil will mate to and also mate means that the female gerbil have babbies with the male gerbils .

Is it normal for the male to mate with the female gerbil when she is having her pups?

Once the gerbil is pregnant, the male should be put into another cage, away from the female. In fact the female's cage should be in a quiet, isolated place. Then, she is more likely to feed and care for the pups. So, remove the male from the cage ASAP.

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Do you have to separate the male gerbil from the female and her babies?

Yes you have to separate the male gerbil from the female with her babies because if you leave the male with the female and her babies the male will kill them.

What is a gerbil male called?

A male gerbil is called a buck sonic luva22: wrong! a female is a Sow and a male is a Boar Sonic luva is thinking of Guinea Pigs...Male gerbils are bucks, female are does.

Is it a good idea to put a male gerbil in a cage if another male gerbil already lives there?

Only if you devide the cage first, so they can not get to each other. If they are allowed to get to each other, they will fight.

Can a single Gerbil be introduced to another?

it depends on their gender, if its a male then they might not fight but if its a female dont do it and if it doesent work use the split cage methad

What do you do in a gerbil breeding problem?

It depends on what the situation is such as if the Male gerbil is abusing the Female...

Why is your gerbil tapping her foot constantly on the bottom of her cage?

Because she is scared or excited and wants to tell another gerbil. Or she is calling for a male gerbil to mate with.

Can a male and female lovebird live together in a cage or will they breed even in a cage im buying them from someone and dont know their sex they are too young please help me?

yes, a male and female lovebird can live happily together and will also breed in a cage but the cage have 2 b appropriate.

Will the male gerbil eat the female gerbil and the baby gerbils?

no male gerbils are very caring so dont split them up