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No, 11 weeks is way too young. The smaller breeds normally come into their first heat at around 5-6 months and the larger breeds from 6 months - 12 months. If you are seeing blood around the vulva or in the urine then take your pup into see your Veterinarian immediately.

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Q: Can a female dog go into heat at 11 weeks old?
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How old is the female dog to be in heat?

About 8 months old

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How do you get a female dog in heat?

You don't. If the dog is old enough she'll come into heat on her own (unless she's spayed- then she won't no matter what).

When do female dogs stop their period?

It is actually called going into "heat" and as for when it stops, they will continue to go into heat once or twice a year. They will bleed for about three weeks. Unless the dog is spayed, this cycle will not stop.

When is a female dog's first heat?

Usually between six months and a year old, but it is different for each dog.

When is the age a female dog comes into heat?

Usually between six months and a year old, but it is different for each dog.

If your dog is pregnant can she still go into heat?

No. It's only during a specific stage of the heat cycle when a dog can become pregnant. Once the dog is pregnant, she won't have a heat cycle. Usually the cycle resumes within six months of having a litter of puppies. Three weeks after weaning a litter (usually when the pups are 5 weeks old) the female dog can be spayed, so she will no longer be able to become pregnant.

How many times does a female dog go into heat?

Typically twice a year. The heat cycle for most dogs is between 6-8 months and can last from 2 - 4 weeks at a time. They can have their 1st season as early as 6 months old.

How old should a female sheppard dog be before mating?

Minimum 2nd heat, preferably 3rd or4th.

How old are dogs when they first go in heat?

Most dogs go into a estrous cycle within about 6 monthes of age some up to about 14 monthes of age. Dog's estrous cycle usually lasts three weeks, meaning she can get pregnant in that timeframe Dogs go into heat about 2 times a year, some up to 4 times a year

What time of the year and how often do female dogs come in heat?

every six months. it all depends on the breed of dog .

Our female dog is in heat and now our male cat 9months old is acting weird any relation with this?

There is a possibilty that the male cat may be reacting to the female dog in a weird way if he is the only cat in the household. If the male cat is not fixed - that could be a reasoning why as well. Keep them separated for a while. You don't want to irritate a female dog when she is in heat.