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It probably depends on what kind of injectable hormones are used and the timing of the injections when the female ferret is in estrus. As long as the vulva has reduced in size, would suggest she has been brought out of estrus. In either an injection of hormones or inducing ovulation by a sterile male, the vulva decreases to approximately one-fourth of the estrus size, it does not regress completely. These are suggestions from two different books on ferrets:

* For female ferrets, injectable hormones are given 10 days or more after the swollen vulva is first noticed induce ovulation and end estrus in about a week. They will not work earlier. About 5 days after the injection, there will be a noticeable reduction in the vulva. The timing of the next heat in unpredictable, depending on many factors including photoperiod, diet, and the duration of the jill's heat before hormones were used. * This involves the injection of 100 USP units of chorionic gonadatropin, which acts like LH to promote ovulation and terminate estrus, used for this purpose. The injections for female ferrets should be given after the vulva reaches full size, usually about two weeks after you first notice that it is beginning to swell. If this hormone injection has induced ovulation, the vulva should begin to decrease in size within about one week, and then continue to get smaller. If after a week the vulva shows no sign of shrinking, a second injection should be given. If ther is still no sign of regression in the size of the vulva the following week, a third injection can be tried.

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Q: Can a female ferret still get pregnant even after she's had the Jill jab?
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What is the proper name for a female ferret?

A female ferret is called a Jill.A mother ferret of a litter is called a Dam.An unspayed female is a Jill, A spayed female is a Sprite.A male is a Hob, and young are called Kits.(In Germany they call kits puppies.)

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In the UK, A female ferret is called a Jill, and a male is called a Hob.

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A female European polecat ferret is called a "Jill"

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an unspated female ferret is a Jill. Spayed- sprite a whole male ferret is a hob. Neutered- gib a baby ferret is called a kit

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Hob is a masculine name for a male ferret, Jill is a feminine name for a female ferret. When someone talks about a hob or a jill, you will know to what they are referring to.

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An intact male ferret is called a hob. An unspayed female is called a jill. A neutered male is a gib. A spayed female is a sprite.

What is a Jill's?

A Jill is an unspayed (fertile) female ferret. Spayed female ferrets are called sprites, unneutered males are called hobs, neutered males are called hoblets and young are called kits.

Does your male ferret need a Jill?

If your male ferret has not been altered and is in season, if you would like to breed him, then he would need a Jill ferret.

How many nipples do male and female ferrets have?

The female ferret or Jill has eight nipples A ferret has 8 teats.

Will a Jill ferret go back into season if she kills her babies?

If a Jill ferret kills her babies, most likely she will go back into season.

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== == A full male or unneutered ferret is a hob A vasectomized male ferret is a hoblet A castrated or neutered male ferret is called a Hobble or GibGib may refer to: A castrated male cat or ferret according to Wikipedia A baby or young ferret is a kit

What happens when a female ferret has a phantom pregnancy?

When female ferret (Jill) comes into heat or estrus, the physical act of mating will induce ovulation. To avoid an unwanted pregnancy, instead of mating with a hob, a hoblet can be used instead. The Hoblet is a vasectomized hob (not castrated) that has his tubes cut that transport the sperm to the testicles, and is still able to perform the physical mating process. The physical act of mating induces ovulation in the Jill and brings her out of estrus. She will have a phantom or false pregnancy that will last for the same length of time as a normal pregnancy (40 - 44 days) and will display symptoms of being pregnant After that length of time, she will probably come in season again. Jills that have a phantom or false pregnancy will put on weight, her nipples will enlarge and may produce milk. Without babies, the jills behavoir may mother the other ferrets or her owner or dragging her toys to the nest Sometimes a female ferret with babies is unable raise her litter due to illness or injury and a female ferret with a phantom pregnancy can be used to foster and nurse her kits. Some breeders will try to have two female ferrets giving birth around the same time, in case one Jill has a problem nursing, the other Jill can foster her kits.