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Q: Can a fish live in very cloudy water?
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Why some fish live in salt water?

Some fish live in salt water because they just do. Some fish live in water because they were put in water. If you get a fish at home you can put it in salt or water. It also depends on there skin because the fish can have very sensitive skin and can only touch a certain kind of water

Can Crowntail Betta fish live with salt water plants?

No. They need very different water parameters.

Does high alkalinity cause cloudy water?

it might not be to high of a ph but could be a very hot water in a cooler room that is how some pools r cloudy

The angler fish is adapted to which environmental condition?

Angler fish live in very deep water where there's hardly any light.

Why is my fish swimming really fast next to another fish swimming very fast?

they live in water and they have fins

Can fresh water fish live in bowl without filtration?

Very few species can, such as the Betta.

What other liquid can fish survive in other than salt water and fresh water?

Fish are adapted to live only in water. They may survive for a very limited time in another liquid, but they cannot live permanently in anything other than water.

Do fish live in and breathe water?

Yes. They live in water and would dehydrate and die out of water if they did not suffocate first. The fish use their gills to collect oxygen in the water and mix it with their blood in a very simple circuit system. Some types of fish known as labyrinth fish have a labyrinth organ that allows them to breathe air for short periods.

How much water do fresh water fish drink?

All fish live in water, this may sound gross but fish drink there own water. water

What atmospheric condition when water is most likely to be condensing?

a very cloudy sky

Is a fish part human?

No. Fish are not part human. Fish and humans are both made of cells and DNA, but they are also very, very different. For instance, fish can breathe underwater and humans can't. Humans can live outside of the water, and fish can't.

What is fresh water fish and salt water fish?

of course is sea water fish conquer more. due to 68 percent of earth is cover in sea water 3 percent is fresh water and glaciers