

Can a flat iron remove tangles form your hair?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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No, it's a flat iron...not a brush.

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Q: Can a flat iron remove tangles form your hair?
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Related questions

How can I make your hair so it don't have tangles?

Applying conditioner through the ends of your hair is the best way to prevent tangles.

How do you remove extreme tangles from long hair?

Lots of conditioner on wet hair with your fingers or lots of conditioner on wet hair, start brushing from the bottom of the tangle and work your way to the top

If you brush your hair from bottom to top will it get out tangles?

No that's the way I brush my hair I rarley get any tangles if the hair is thicker if might be a bit harder but I can imagine it being easier if it were to be thinner hair.

How do tangles form?

If forms when your hair rubs against anything pretty much or gets wet and you don't fix then that becomes tangled.

What does Conditioner Do To The Hair?

It gets all the tangles and knots.

What does tangles mean?

A knot in your hair that cannot be undone easily.

What is the point of conditioning?

it softens and silks your hair, so there no tangles and knots.

How can you get rid of tangles in your hair?

Baby shampoo. And you can use conditioner and slowly comb your hair from tip to root

What is a Brush?

to comb your hair A brush is an implement with a plastic/wooden handle and bristles that is used to take tangles out of hair.

Condition Dry Hair With Vinegar?

Apply vinegar to your hair to help control dry, flyaway strands. Mix vinegar and water in a spray bottle in a 1:4 ratio, and thoroughly moisten dry hair with the solution, making sure to avoid your eyes. Leave vinegar solution on your hair for 15 minutes. Shampoo and condition. Dry and style hair as usual. Treatment should be applied once or twice a week to improve shine and eliminate flyaway hair. Vinegar will also remove hair product residue and help each strand of hair to lie flat, with no tangles.

Do all conditioners detangle hair?

Yes, but remember they dont take all 100% of the tangles.

How does tangles affect the brain?

Not nessecarily but it is not good for your scalp because it is breaking the roots of your hair and if you do enough damage your hair could eventually fall out.