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Q: Can a fungi cell make photosynthesis?
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Does fungi make food through photosynthesis?

fungi make food by photosynthesis! they take sunlight and nutrients and make their own food....hope that helpss

How are fungi plants different from plants?

Fungi do not use photosynthesis. Also, fungi don't have leaves and roots. Finally, unlike plants, the cell walls of fungi contain chitin.Fungi and plants are in the same domain (Eukarya), but are separate kingdoms. Plants are autotrophs (they make their own food through chemosynthesis or photosynthesis), while fungi are heterotrophs (more specifically they are either parasites or saprobes). Other differences are also present in structure (for example, fungi cell walls are made of chitin while plants' cell walls are made of cellulose), specialization, etc.

Can fungi make their food through photosynthesis?

No, fungi are either saprophytic or parasitic in nature, therefore, these are not equiped for photosynthesis.

How is fungi different from photosynthesis?

Fungi do not have the ability to undergo photosynthesis.

What does a plant have that fungi doesnt?

Plants cells contain chloroplasts, allowing them to make their own food through photosynthesis. Fungi do not have chloroplasts. The cell walls of plants are made up of cellulose while the cell walls of fungi are made up of chitin. Those are only a few of the many differences between plants and fungi.

Why can't fungi make their own using photosynthesis?

Has now chlorophyll

Why are plants and fungi placed in separate kingdoms?

Plants have chlorophyll and make energy from light; fungi don't.

Why cant fungi make their own food using photosynthesis?

Has now chlorophyll

How would you classify a multicellular organism that has cell walls but no chlorphyll?

A multicellular organism with cell walls but no chlorophyll would be classified as a fungi. Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that obtain nutrients through absorption, and their cell walls are made of chitin or other substances. They do not perform photosynthesis as they lack chlorophyll.

Why biologist accorded fungi into a separate kingdom of fungi?

Fungi do not use photosynthesis and theirncell walls are made of different material.

Does some fungi produce photosynthesis?

All fungi are heterotrophic. No fungi is a photoautotroph

What cell make food through photosynthesis?

The cells that make food out of photosynthesis are called chloroplasts.