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Q: Can a gamete develop into a complete plant by itself without fertilization?
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Is sperm gamete or zygote?

It is a gamete. Fertilization produces a zygote

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What form of asexual reproduction is shown here lizard?

It can be parthanogenesis.Female gamete is turned into new organism without fertilization.

Result of a male gamete fertilizing a female gamete?

The fertlized female gamete starts to develop a baby

The ovaries produce a female gamete each month?

The ovaries do not actually produce a female gamete each moth. The ovaries prepare a female gamete for fertilization every month.

The union of a male and female gamete to form a zygote?


What gamete can be made of BB?

A gamete containing a BB genotype will carry one B allele from each parent. This gamete will contribute one B allele to offspring during fertilization.

What role does double fertilization play in the life cycle of angiosperms?

The fusion of a male gamete with secondary nucleus is called double fertilization and it results in the development of endosperm which nourishes the developing embryo inside the seed. Thus without double fertilization nourishment of developing embryo will be hamphered.

WHAT is the name given to the process when the male and felmale sex cells fuse?

The male sex cell is called male gamete in plaqnts and female sex cell as egg or female gamete. The union of these gametes is called fertilization.

Define fertilization of flowers?

fertilization is the process of producing a an offspring. in flowers the process stars when the pollen from the male sex cell/male gamete lands on the stigma the female gamete then the pollen feeds on the sticks stuff and then creates a pollen tube through the style. then the pollen fertilization the egg/ova. DEFINITION IS: fertilization is what happens when a plant is polinated

What is ment by fertilazation?

Fertilization is the process of combining the female gamete or ovum with the male gamete or sperm. It may also refer to the enrichment of soil for the production.

What is a cell formed through fertilization of an egg by a sperm?

The process is known as fertilisation.