

Can a gay may be attracted to a woman?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Generally only if said person knows the person. Often times a person gets to know a person very well of a non-prefferable gender, and they become attracted to their features as a person, or for what they are on the inside. And sometimes when one has these feelings, they do become physically attracted to this person, but not to women in general.

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Q: Can a gay may be attracted to a woman?
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What is a gay woman?

A gay woman is a woman who is attracted to members of the same sex.

Does it make you gay if your attracted to a woman?

not if your a guy

If a woman penetrates a man does that make him gay?

No, it may mean that the man enjoys the anal stimulation on his prostate. He is gay if he is sexually or romantically attracted to the same sex. If he is having sex with a woman that would suggest that he is not gay.

How do you attract a gay woman if you are a man?

You can't. Gay women by definition are not attracted to males.

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No. A gay man is, by definition, a man who is attracted to other men. A butch woman, no matter how butch, is still a woman.However, If there is a man who seems gay and is attracted to a butch woman, he would be considered bisexual, and a bisexual or straight man could definitely be attracted to a butch woman.

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Being gay can only be determined by you. If you are attracted to members of the same sex, you are gay. Dreams have nothing to do with it.

Does liking a transgender make you gay?

No. If said person is physiologiacally a male and you are as well, or physiologically a female and you are female, and you are attracted to them, that does not make you gay. You MAY be gay, but that doesn't mean anything. If anything it means that you have an open mind and think its on the inside that counts, and are attracted to the person for what they are on the inside.

How do you know if a gay man fancies a woman?

A man who identifies as gay is attracted exclusively to other males. He would not be attracted to a female. It is also impossible to tell for sure if somebody is attracted to someone else unless they tell you.

Can a gay fall in love whit a woman?

Yes, He just would not be attracted to her body.

Are you gay if you like transsexuals?

Being gay means that you are romantically or sexually attracted primarily to people of the same sex as you. If you are attracted only or primarily to transsexuals, you may or may not be gay--but being attracted to transsexuals is a specific interest you have.--You are gay if you believe you are. The rest is all fluff. Read the question "How do you know if you are gay?" in the Related Questions below.

If he's not gay why don't he touch you?

He might not be attracted to you sexually. Straight men are not attracted to every woman, only to those that 'turn them on'. He might have religious or other reasons for not touching you. He may be saving himself for marriage.

Are you gay if you like transgender woman?

Absolutely not. Transgender women are women. You are only gay if you are a man who is sexually attracted to men